
Raymond Chandler Preaches

Decent Essays

Raymond Chandler was known to be one of the most prominent writers that revolved around the novel writing of detective fiction. Writing crime stories would not be as advanced today without his literary contribution to American style literature. His most famous novel, “The Big Sleep,” established a highly prestigious artistic level; he would go on to forever change how detective fiction novels affected society, and how people view society from their own understanding. He introduced an aspect that would question the approach of his article, “The Simple Art of Murder,” in which he preaches and criticizes the authors who he believes are not disciplined enough to write a mystery novel, by questioning their lack of detail and knowledge about the antagonist and the insubordinate movement of the plot itself. As he goes on to create one of the most influential novels of his time, he does not take the time to question his own masterpiece, believing that he exhibits the appropriate amount of knowledge and detail to write an influential mystery novel. He practices what he preaches because he is a “very determined individual could restore …show more content…

With the British genre, it can be rather slow and dull; leveling the reader out and overthinking the climax each novel is setting up. “This descriptive vagueness points to a more pervasive problem in discussing style.” (MacDonald 448-468) Agreeing with MacDonald on his statement, the English tend to make vagueness points in their stories and never get to the point of the action and making it seem less interest. With Chandler, he creates many opportunities that gives American literature a whole new meaning of writing fictional novels. He continues to share his ways of criticizing English authors through his masterpiece essay, “The Simple Art of

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