
Ray's Two Game Compension: A Case Study

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numerous secret meetings, with owners and other high ranking officials. In June 2014 the NFL makes a statement, that the commissioner of the NFL had not seen the tape released by TMZ nor was it granted any when they requested them from police. The whole thing seemed fishy considering that it was the most trending topic in sports, so how has the commissioner not seen what everyone else has two or three times. A couple weeks later TMZ releases another tape, this time it was of Ray striking Janay in the face rendering her unconscious. That same day Ravens terminate Ray’s contract, and the NFL does a complete and udder 180. Taking Ray’s two game suspension and changing it to indefinitely. The problem the NFL runs into when they change Ray’s suspension from two games to indefinitely, is that the only thing that had changed was the release of the videos from TMZ. The charges and the statements gathered by police all remain the same. The NFL’s policy was two game suspension for first time offenders, and Ray only having this one incident qualified him for that two game suspension. Ray was outraged by this, and immediately started fighting his new punishment. In the meantime the NFL on damage control, changes there domestic violence policy to first time …show more content…

Was felt across the sporting world, policy changes were made in every major league sports organization. With the new found motivation not to have the next Ray Rice incident. The NFL not only changed there policy to harsher penalties, but also kick started a new ad campaign against domestic violence. All in all as messy as it was, positives were made and strives for a beater NFL were made. By no means was it done in a correct manner or handled the right way, but everyone was in agreement that the old policy needed to be changed and that harsher punishments were need to hopefully help prevent domestic violence in the

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