numerous secret meetings, with owners and other high ranking officials. In June 2014 the NFL makes a statement, that the commissioner of the NFL had not seen the tape released by TMZ nor was it granted any when they requested them from police. The whole thing seemed fishy considering that it was the most trending topic in sports, so how has the commissioner not seen what everyone else has two or three times. A couple weeks later TMZ releases another tape, this time it was of Ray striking Janay in the face rendering her unconscious. That same day Ravens terminate Ray’s contract, and the NFL does a complete and udder 180. Taking Ray’s two game suspension and changing it to indefinitely. The problem the NFL runs into when they change Ray’s suspension from two games to indefinitely, is that the only thing that had changed was the release of the videos from TMZ. The charges and the statements gathered by police all remain the same. The NFL’s policy was two game suspension for first time offenders, and Ray only having this one incident qualified him for that two game suspension. Ray was outraged by this, and immediately started fighting his new punishment. In the meantime the NFL on damage control, changes there domestic violence policy to first time …show more content…
Was felt across the sporting world, policy changes were made in every major league sports organization. With the new found motivation not to have the next Ray Rice incident. The NFL not only changed there policy to harsher penalties, but also kick started a new ad campaign against domestic violence. All in all as messy as it was, positives were made and strives for a beater NFL were made. By no means was it done in a correct manner or handled the right way, but everyone was in agreement that the old policy needed to be changed and that harsher punishments were need to hopefully help prevent domestic violence in the
This case opened up more suspicion and also caused an effect on people regarding the hidden information that the NFl
In February 2015, a video of Ray Rice, the “face of the Baltimore Ravens,” beating his then-fiancée unconscious in a hotel elevator went viral. Following his arrest and indictment on aggravated assault charges, he entered a pre-trial program for first offenders, usually intended for perpetrators of “victimless” crimes. Suspended from play indefinitely, Rice won an appeal to the NFL, and was reinstated, available for hiring should any team be willing to go near him.
If you asked people what the most overblown, ridiculous controversy the NFL has been involved in, most people would agree it’s Deflategate. While it took over two years to settle the case, the losing party, being Tom Brady and the Patriots, seem to have come out on top in the long run seeing how the NFL has dealt with discipline in a very sporadic way since. So my question is, “was the NFL justified in making the disciplinary decision that they made, and has that decision affected controversies after Deflategate?”
Millions of kids watch NFL games. They also follow them outside of playing football. NFL players should remember that children hold these players to a higher standard. For instance, “Janay Rice sat next to her husband during the press conference, though simple assault charges against her were eventually dropped. Footage from the night showed Rice dragging his wife's unconscious body from an elevator” (Craggs). Ray Rice is a popular player in the NFL, with millions of fans. Hearing the news, I found it to be extremely disappointing. Ray Rice had too much to drink that night, and in the elevator he punched his wife, Janay, in the face multiple times and knocked her out. The NFL fined Ray Rice millions of dollars, he lost his job and endorsements. Other than losing money, he lost his fan base, including kids who looked up to him as an amazing running back.
After reading this post several times, the author made numerous points on why there should be way more research on how concussions and domestic violence in the NFL can be linked together. There has not been too much research of how the concussions and the domestic violence cases in the NFL can be connected to each other. But throughout the years, the NFL has a history of dodging and ignoring these domestic violence cases with their players. From the league doing this, it throws shade on the NFL and makes them look bad as whole. One other thing that NFL has been ignoring many years is the concussion situation and how it takes a huge toll on the players who suffer from the concussions. Also throughout the post, the author gives examples of cases
The spectator of this sport has an obligation to the players of the sport, to make sure that the organization is protecting and looking out for them. Yet not only should the viewer be held accountable for the lack of communication in consequences between the player and the pro scene, but the organization of the NFL needs to make sure that their players have a full understanding of what is going on and how they need to protect the players. The current situation that is understood, contents contain implied knowledge that all parties of this table are in uniform knowledge and agreement to what comes of playing football. Finally, this should also happen at the youth level when kids are just getting into the sport, as it would better inform the parents and the kid if they understood the full
During halftime of the game the referees tested the balls and they were underinflated. The NFL announced that Tom brady would be suspended for four games in the 2016 season. Tom brady did not think it was fair for the NFL to accuse him without evidence, so Brady took the NFL to court. Brady did smash his phone before the NFL could investigate and use it for evidence a good reason some people would accuse Brady of being involved. After the season of 2015-16 was over the NFL announced that Tom Brady's four game suspension was back into full force. I do not think Brady will try to appeal this time, because he beat the court twice and what is the point when they come back and suspended him anyways. Everyone has their own opinion so what is yours did Brady really
The players and teams receive too much leeway when they are involved with crimes or misconducts. They have a “distorted view of themselves” (White) which induces them to “overvalue their abilities and are proud and condescending when relating to others” (White). The league is responsible for investigating and taking action against the players and teams that do not follow the NFL Personal Conduct Policy which the league describes as avoiding “conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in the National Football League” (ESPN). This is required to be accepted by all workers in the NFL: players, general managers, coaches, owners, sideline/team employees, and even game officials. Roger Goodell, because of his title and job description, is delegated to be the “the judge and the jury in individual cases” (Pease). This responsibility he has is not a wise way of handling cases because there needs to be some sort of committee involved in order to give a thorough, well balanced, opinion and
After Ray Rice was suspended by the National Football League (NFL) for assaulting his girlfriend at the time. Since his suspension, Rice has appealed
For years on end the Nfl has paid no mind or just paid off the crimes that have been committed to save the face of the Nfl. As years progressed so did the crimes and also in the last few years up to early 2014 Jane McManus explains how Sarah Friel cracks down on these such crimes with the help of Nfl commissioner Roger Goodell. Roger Goodell is the Nfl commissioner whom is a very stern and wise older gentleman for years on end he has been talking to the victims and their families for hours on end. This summer, Goodell pinpointed the Super Bowl as a time to re-evaluate the NFL's domestic violence efforts. Based on interviews with more than 15 people inside and outside league
Regarding the Dewan Smith-Williams case they’re goal to me is to protect the brand and not to protect the husband from himself and his high risk behavior to his wife and family because they didn’t want her to go to the police and keep it silent. I think Mrs. Williams made the right call to come forth and let it be known that spouses and/or partners are being treated unfair and something needs to be done. In my opinion, maybe if fans, anti-violence groups and women’s rights organizations get together and organize a plan that could force the owners to enact stronger and lasting reforms to improve the NFL actions and response to domestic abuse. They should make some amendments to the personal conduct policy. This topic relates to the discussion on human behavior because we want to know what causes the domestic abuse from the spouse especially if the abuser is in the NFL, a super star, and fame is growing and so forth. Find out what area of treatment and theory practice could be used to help the
Professional sports have been in the news for domestic violence for a really long time. Some that may come to your mind could be Ray Rice, Warren Moon, Greg Hardy, and Jose Reyes. Yes, three of these four players are in the National Football League (NFL), but that does not mean that only football players are the ones who have been doing this. The most recent one is Jose Reyes who plays in Major League Baseball (MLB). That is really ones opinion, but some don’t have anything but I slap on the wrist. Commissioners around these leagues usually suspend the player for a couple games until all of the details and videos come out. Ray Rice was suspended two games until they saw evidence then he was suspended for the whole year. Some wanted him banned
If Rice was convicted, he would face up to five years in jail rather than a fine. Two months after his incident, Rice was accepted into a pretrial intervention program focused on rehabilitation (Elliott). As a result, Rice’s case never went to trial, and his aggravated assault charge would be dropped if he completed the program. Rice was originally suspended for two games without pay and fined $58,000 because of his aggravated assault charge but then he was suspended for six games due to the NFL’s policy on assault, battery, domestic violence and sexual assault (Elliott). Ray Rice will likely never play another game in an NFL uniform because of the fact that he was caught on camera abusing his wife (Tyler).
Among the terms of the agreement is that the settlement is not to be regarded as an admission of guilt by the league." The NFL knows of the dangers the players are in. The rules change but the equipment increased. Without more or better equipment the players are still in danger. In a PBS Frontline documentary about injuries in football Dr. Robert Stern said," In football, one has to expect that, almost every play of every game and every practice, they're going to be hitting their heads against each other. That's the nature of the game. Those things seem to happen around 1,000 to 1,500 times a year. Each time that happens, it's around 20 g or more. That's the equivalent of driving a car at 35 miles per hour into a brick wall." The players in the NFL know the risk of playing but it is up to the NFL to make the sport safe for the players. Many people may argue that since the players know the risk and they are paid for their athletic performance is ok. However you cannot put a price on a person health. There is no way of rationalizing the behavior of the NFL. Yes, the athletes are paid to perform, but it is up to the NFL to make the sport safer. The NBA has increase rules and is aggressively making the sport less physical. In a Radio interview with XTRA 910 a Phoenix, AZ, Former NBA player, Robert Horry said, "… If you
Though this NFL conduct is in the light, it is unnecessary because the U.S. criminal justice system has the ability to end the professional sports careers of society’s worst criminals. Everyone asked themselves how could such a successful, talented person throw their opportunity away like this? Crimes from the past always catch up and come to light in the justice system. The NFL from now on is trying to prevent incidents like this from happening from making their off field standards stronger, and making consequences stronger that come with