
Reaction Paper About Sciatica

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About Sciatica
Albeit it remains one of the most common causes of low back and leg pain, sciatica is still misunderstood by many. Affecting nearly 40 percent of the world’s population, sciatica remains a prevalent issue in the middle-aged community. Notably, sciatica tends to develop at the age of 40 or 50, rarely affecting anyone before the age of 20.
It is important to understand that sciatica is not a medical diagnosis, rather it is a symptom of an existing medical condition. In essence, the term sciatica, or lumbar radiculopathy, is used to describe the symptoms of leg pain that radiate along the length of the sciatic nerve. These symptoms, which can arise from sciatic nerve compression, originate in the lower, otherwise known as lumbar, spine and travel through the buttocks, down the back and side of the leg, and into the foot and toes. …show more content…

For instance, sciatica is primarily characterized by a pain that shoots along the path of the sciatic nerve, extending past the lower spine to the buttocks and down the back of the legs, possibly reaching the foot. This pain may vary at times, alternating between shooting or burning, sharp or dull, continuous, or sporadic. Symptoms might worsen, causing even more discomfort, whenever the affected individual sneezes, coughs, strains, bends or lifts something. In rare cases, when a severely herniated disc is the root of the problem, a person might be confined to bed for numerous days. Another uncommon but possible occurrence is the disturbance of bowel and bladder control caused by pressure on the nerves located in the lumbar spine. A few other symptoms of sciatica include but are not limited to muscle weakness, reflex abnormalities, numbness or tingling in affected leg or foot, and localized back

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