
Reading Admissions Essay

Decent Essays

Since childhood, I have been enamored with reading. My passion for reading was passed from my mother who has always advocated literacy to my siblings and me. During elementary school, my teachers would send report cards with comments admonishing me for reading throughout class. A novel would be hidden behind a textbook or in my lap, and I would sneak a glance whenever possible. When school was dismissed, my nose would be buried inside a book. I would read anything I could get my hands on: my brother’s books, my mom’s Women’s Day magazines, and even the backs of cereal boxes. I would snuggle up in blankets, grab the latest Magic Treehouse book, and plunge into magical worlds for countless hours. Every summer break I would spend my time reading numerous books for my library’s Summer Reading Program.

My preferences changed as I grew older. By age eleven, I was reading Young Adult Fiction, which challenged me more than children's novels. The Harry Potter, Maximum Ride, and Lord of the Rings series enthralled me, and I waited desperately for each installment to be released. It was also during this time that I read my family’s collection of classics. The cultures and time periods in books like Austen’s Emma, Lereaux’s …show more content…

I read most of the Teenage Fiction genres such as mystery, romance, fantasy, and science fiction. It wasn't long before the typical light teen fiction novel became boring to me. For English class, we read many books such as To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, and The Scarlet Letter. They were intriguing and compelled me to read more classics. I soon fell in love with beautifully written and thought-provoking books like Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier and Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. Beloved and timeless, classics provide an insight into the society, beliefs, and customs of other cultures, which in turn benefits me in understanding the

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