
Reading And Reading : The Importance Of Reading

Satisfactory Essays

I am an impatient reader when it comes to books. My eyes skim through the words, while in my head, I am thinking about all the things I could be doing besides reading. I understand the importance of reading, it helps me gain knowledge about the world, it opens my eyes to different perspectives, it improves my grades at school, it can be a topic of a conversation...the list goes on. I cannot find an adequate reason for not spending the time to do reading outside of the classroom, but for some reason, I have not been able to sit down and finish reading a book. I have tried to do so, but the unfinished books pile up in my room.
I have not always been this way, there was a time when I loved to read on my own time. I had just moved to the …show more content…

I wondered if videos were helpful for me as an academic learner.
Problems arose in my academic life. In school, discussions were a big part of a lot of my classes. I realized I was unprepared when it came to participating in them. Unlike my peers, I found it difficult finding ways to phrase my thoughts and to prove my arguments with evidence. I think a big part of that struggle was that I did not put the effort to look for other reading materials other than the ones provided in class. How was I able to argue for my opinions if I did not have anything to back up my opinions? In my AP European History class, there was a socratic seminar and as we were discussing the questions, I explained my point of view, but I hesitated when I realized I could not find any proof for the claims I made. Books give concrete information and can be used as a tool. I did not use the tool and made excuses for not reading. Famous American author, Stephen King once said, “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write.” It struck me. How was I going to be a successful student if I did not continue to read? I felt embarrassed and wanted to find some way to help myself.
This was when I had to learn about my self-discipline. Throughout my school career, I had been easy on myself when it came to reading books. I did not pay attention to the weakness of my literature skills, nor did I search for solutions to better my skills. Reading has

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