I would say that I have the level of reading and writing skills expected from someone who graduated from an average public high school. Thus, though we have learned about the distinction between primary and secondary sources, it was not until I started taking AP courses that we truly had to synthesize something out of them. My only interactions with these outside sources were in my history classes, not my literature classes. In AP United States History, we would have to practice with what are called Document Based Questions (DBQ’s), where we would be presented with about 8 primary and secondary sources and then have to write a timed paper on an argument. Because we were presented these documents, we did not have to actively search through …show more content…
This was the case for both classes in high school and in college. With respect to these general skills, I do okay in them. I had done well in my classes, but this is within the confines of a class. I have only rarely been asked to direct a paper using primary and secondary sources, so I didn’t. In other words, the prompts usually point to or directly give the documents. Looking at the assignments on Canvas for this course, I would like to use them to improve my writing skills on primary and secondary sources in a more self-directed way. Though I am fairly certain of what I need to do to improve my reading and writing skills in terms of literary studies, I am not sure where to start when improving my Chinese studies. This is largely because I have virtually no knowledge of the subject, which I really want to amend since, well, I am Chinese. My parents have told me largely stories and parables, especially as bedtime stories when I was young. However, I had only heard mentions of high art occasionally. I remember when my mother tried to show me a TV adaptation of Xi You Ji before I started school, but I thought the characters were too clever. For instance, the monkey warned the pig to not hit the water because it was actually him coming up, but I wanted to see him get
During my junior year of high school, I was assigned to use sources for one of our papers for the year. It was on the book, The Great Gatsby. It was my first time to ever be opened to the idea of doing research and finding sources for a paper. While my teacher tried to explain to us, she more or less just gave the instructions to us and we were on our own. I do not think I did effective research because—with it being my first time—I mostly just grabbed books and sources online that seemed related to my subject and looked for information that seemed to fit. I did not go in depth to find more fitting sources to go with my paper. My paper turned out different from what I intended, seeing since I did not have the right sources to fit my intended
The main reason I focused on using the sources found within the databases is because there is no question to their credibility and in order for an argument to be heeded the sources must be credible. Moreover, I learned how to do in-text citations, before taking this class if I were told to write a research paper or wrote a paper with information from a specific source I wouldn’t have thought about including citations.
My reading and writing experience began when I was about 3 years old. Writing has always been my way of expressing myself. Up until about high school, reading was something I really enjoyed and even prioritized. If I had to read a book for English class, I wouldn’t be as excited to read it compared to a book I chose myself. I believe that strong reading and writing skills are essential if one wants a successful career. I hope to improve my skills while enjoying the material this year.
Before attending the Ohio State University, I took several English classes at my high school. In total I obtained 5 English credits; one of the credits being from a program called Mosaic. Mosaic is a humanities based program focusing more on project-based learning instead of exams. These projects were mainly in the form of research papers. One of the papers assigned in the class was the Family Research assignment. The Family Research assignment was a twenty-five page essay regarding familial ancestry. For this assignment, it was required to have multiple MLA formatted sources; having one of the sources be from an interview. The assignment was long and tedious, but it taught me about how to cite my work to avoid plagiarism, how to write long
When you have completed your exam and reviewed your answers, click Submit Exam. Answers will not be recorded until you hit Submit Exam. If you need to exit before completing the exam, click Cancel Exam. Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.
To support and demonstrate spelling skills, a teaching assistant may be involved in whole class,
Before getting accepted to attend the Ohio State University, I took several English courses in high school, gaining five English credits in the process. One of my English credits was gained through a program called Mosaic, a humanities based program that focuses on project-based learning instead of exams. These projects were mainly in the form of research papers and personal essays. An example of the research papers in the program is the Family Research assignment. The Family Research assignment was a twenty-five page novel regarding familial ancestry. For this assignment, it was necessary to have multiple MLA formatted sources; having one of the sources be from an interview. The assignment was long and tedious, but it taught me about how to cite my work to avoid plagiarism, how to write long papers, how to find reliable sources and how to
I also now know how to cite a source properly. When it comes to writing about my topic (Private vs Public Universities) I believe I have all the sources I need to write a solid research paper. If I was going to write a solid research paper I would have my introduction stating what my body paragraphs are going to be about and have my thesis. I would need to have little more research for a third body paragraph.
Having reference sources that I could trust helped significantly. I know that I can rely on those few sources, when ever I need information. I also can go back to them and check my work.
Throughout my year in HFLC, my writing skills have increased. I started with the knowledge I had from previous years, and ended with even more skills and knowledge from this year alone. Even with all these skills, I still have strengths, weaknesses, better writing pieces, growth from throughout the year, and goals for years to come.
Georgia is known for good home cooking meals, I love been able to pass the field to see crops growing. There's nothing like county living. However, in order to refine my writing abilities I will continuous practice writing as well as reading a lot writing I feel that this will definitely improve my writing skill. Yes, this actually my first experience writing a analytical paper.
After finishing my annotated bibliography I thought finding sources was the hardest thing ever until, I started comparing the sources I already had. From the comparisons I made it seemed easier to find new sources with like or opposing ideas that dealt with my discipline. I had a writing workshop that helped me understand that I had no idea how to cite correctly. Most of my citation had no page numbers or periods in the wrong place. After going through the paper many times using Hack and Summers I was able to correct most problems I found. The Literature Review taught me how to find like ideas in research while also finding opposing ideas. At the end of each comparison and difference I made a statement of relevance to prove my research fit
My writing skills have never been satisfactory. I haven’t had a lot of experiences requiring me to write outside of my own personal writing. Recently my writing skills have increased when I started attending Central Ohio Technical College, January 2017. I enrolled to obtain my Registered Nursing for Nursing Technology. My first semester there I took Integrated Reading and Writing, and I learned a lot. My knowledge for writing grew tremendously. I would now consider myself a adequate writer.
In my opinion I happen to partially agree the professor at Duke University with the fact that blog posts would be a more efficient way of getting the author's point across swiftly. Though I also happen to think that having term papers is a good way to properly assess the authors writing ability. Blog post help the individual easily give their opinion over the topic they are covering and quickly list the facts that back up their reasoning. Which is more direct than the term paper. When conducting a term paper there is a more thorough analysis of the author critical thinking and writing ability.
This is a very important skill to have, especially while constructing a research paper or papers with a topic unfamiliar to the author. Within a research paper, the author is expected to use a wide range of reliable sources to support and explain the paper’s arguments. In my history research paper this quarter, I had to use many sources to make sure the information I presented was accurate. Because I had to read and refer to many dense texts, newspapers, and books, I had to