
Reading And Writing Skills Dbq

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I would say that I have the level of reading and writing skills expected from someone who graduated from an average public high school. Thus, though we have learned about the distinction between primary and secondary sources, it was not until I started taking AP courses that we truly had to synthesize something out of them. My only interactions with these outside sources were in my history classes, not my literature classes. In AP United States History, we would have to practice with what are called Document Based Questions (DBQ’s), where we would be presented with about 8 primary and secondary sources and then have to write a timed paper on an argument. Because we were presented these documents, we did not have to actively search through …show more content…

This was the case for both classes in high school and in college. With respect to these general skills, I do okay in them. I had done well in my classes, but this is within the confines of a class. I have only rarely been asked to direct a paper using primary and secondary sources, so I didn’t. In other words, the prompts usually point to or directly give the documents. Looking at the assignments on Canvas for this course, I would like to use them to improve my writing skills on primary and secondary sources in a more self-directed way. Though I am fairly certain of what I need to do to improve my reading and writing skills in terms of literary studies, I am not sure where to start when improving my Chinese studies. This is largely because I have virtually no knowledge of the subject, which I really want to amend since, well, I am Chinese. My parents have told me largely stories and parables, especially as bedtime stories when I was young. However, I had only heard mentions of high art occasionally. I remember when my mother tried to show me a TV adaptation of Xi You Ji before I started school, but I thought the characters were too clever. For instance, the monkey warned the pig to not hit the water because it was actually him coming up, but I wanted to see him get

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