
Reading Coach

Decent Essays

Being a current educator of 3rd grade, has really opened my eyes to the great demand of reading resources needed in producing successful outcomes in our students. Before completing this graphic organizer, my prospective of a reading coach was incredibly small. I always viewed the educator as the one, who wears all the hats, such as, providing resources needed for student growth, administering exams, and evaluating and interpreting student data. Borah (2012) describes an educator as a cultivator, a potter, and a human specialist. However after carrying out this graphic organizer, I now have new found respect for reading coaches. The International Reading Association (2000) examines a reading coach as the provider of guidance and instructional mastery for the counteractive action and remediation of reading troubles. The role of a …show more content…

In addition, a reading coach plays a huge role in the overall literacy program of the school (IRA, 2000). Many of the other information I gather about reading coaches from this research was already apparent to me, for instance assisting teachers with planning, coordinating and leading staff developments, and providing support to administering district or state assessments. Another important piece of a reading coach that I was oblivious too was reading coaches work with instructors in the improvement of rubrics and option measures for evaluating education and for instructional choice making (IRA, 2000). Although, we often met with our school’s reading specialist in regards to rubrics, it was the teacher responsibility to research and develop the rubrics on their own. An additional fact that sparks my attention is the interaction that a reading coach has with not just parents, teachers, or principals, but the school boards and community

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