His eyes nearly popped out of the sockets and I thought he was going to fall. He busted out in laughter and said, “Dude, you better grab your orders and go to the squadron for check in before they mark you as being AWOL (Absent Without Leave).” My mind started racing and my thoughts were all over the place. The little voice in my head was asking questions and trying to provide answers. It went something like this: How can I be AWOL if I am here, in the country and on base with a dorm room? What the hell? I am still getting used to the “Real” Air Force; the one that requires me to act on my own and take initiative. Shit, this is a far cry from my first six months where it was drilled into me that I don’t do anything until I am told. Now, I …show more content…
It was explained that the Filipinos, frequently canvassed the base and had no problem walking off with anything that wasn’t bolted down. To them, everything had value including large trash cans marked: Property of the U.S. Government. That point was driven home with the story of a K-9 handler named, Senior Airman Robert Gray. One an evening in January of 1978, he was in pursuit of several intruders near the flight line. After he released his dog and attempted apprehension, one of the intruders brutally stabbed Airman Gray. Then, they stole his service revolver and shot his dog, Casey. Sadly, Airman Gray died of the wounds suffered in the skirmish; however, Casey survived his gunshot wounds and was returned to duty. Airman Gray was only 22 years old when his watch ended. Airman Gray didn’t sacrifice his life raiding the beaches of Normandy or on a battlefield in the jungles of Vietnam; however, he did fight for rights and freedoms of Americans everywhere. He was a dedicated Air Force Security Policeman committed to serving his country. Airman Gray’s legacy provided the 3rd Security Police with the tools to design a superior training program that would assure more American lives were not lost over petty
battalion and was ready and willing to serve overseas when the news of our deployment
On March 10, 2010, at 13:30 a.m., 3rd Platoon, Company D, 1-22 Infantry Battalion, was conducting a convoy operation. The purpose of the operation was to transport equipment and selected Service Members to the battalion’s main Forward Operating Base. Twenty minutes into the convoy operation, Patrick’s unit was under attack by an enemy force equipped with automatic weapon systems. During this time, Patrick maintained his confidence and began returning firing toward the enemy force. As Patrick was returning fire from the vehicle that he was in, he was struck by one round from the enemy force. The medic that was attached to the convoy operation immediately tended to Patrick’s wounds and managed to get him to a medical facility,
As stated by Rizer and Hartman, “When police officers are dressed like soldiers, armed like soldiers, and trained like soldiers, it’s not surprising that they are beginning to act like soldiers. And remember: a soldier’s main objective is to kill the enemy.” The authors of this article argue that while it is logically understandable, these new policing methods blur the distinction between soldier and law enforcement. Their new training and technology is no longer limited to counter terrorism, it is involved in daily patrolling now. Officers walk around in full armor, armed with M-16 and M-4 Rifles. Also, previously, only the largest of America's big-city police departments maintained S.W.A.T. teams. Today, almost every police department has
The Warrior Cop Project Organization represents law enforcement officers. Our ultimate goal is public awareness and education on the origins, the present, and the future of militarization of police and the safety of all American police officers. This paper examines the militarization of the American police forces as it pertains to the increased equipment and training needed by police to remain safe while effectively doing their required jobs. Militarization of police: it is more than just equipment. Our organization is pro-militarization of the police. Our police officers must be allowed to protect themselves when threatened. These threats are manifested on
Watching the rough terrain and mountains fly past far below I found myself thinking and asking myself if I’ll ever make it home. Or would my name make front page in the paper of my small town titling “Private Jake Robinson KIA”. Let’s just say being flown into the most dangerous Province in Afghanistan after just completing basic the week before isn’t exactly heartwarming or reassuring.
The current return on sales ratio for the Department & Discount Retail Industry is 4.96%. The Department & Discount Retail also currently has a return on sales sector ratio of 9.26%. Both JcPenney and Target fell into the negatives for this ratio at the end of 2014. JcPenney credits the low ratio from the bad sales they had in 2014. A few of JcPenney’s goals are to boost sales in 2015 and close underperforming stores. Target credits the negative return on sales ratio in 2014 to stopping its operation out of Canada and the massive data breach that they had at the end of 2013. To get JcPenney and Target back to positive return on sales ratios they need to generate more sales while cutting costs. I think both stores are on track to fixing their
Hunter Airfield Base in Savannah, Ga I stood there reticently facing my First Sergeant and Captain, being admonished by them. Months had passed and I haven’t recovered from the accident and it bothered them to the point that they had separation papers all laid out before me. My quiet attitude, begin to uproar a bit, I became vociferous pertaining to my career in the army. My career was coming to a screeching halt right before my eyes. My dreams of being an officer in the United States army, ever since I was a little girl was about to come to an end. “Pvt. Aaron, you are no longer physically, or mentally stable and you army being released from active duty.” Captain Mackenzie said. In my response, “Captain, First Sergeant, both of you denied my doctors convalescent leave and his rehabilitation orders for me and now you want to take my career from me too.” Then they proceeded and said “Sign here on this line Private and I didn’t know what else to do but sign. Didn’t know my rights or who to turn to. I was just as lost as a deer on a dark, dark, night in headlights and that’s just how lost I
Did I make it? That was the question I was asking myself the night before what was going to be one of the most special days of my life. After being called to leave for Air Force Basic Training on a short 8-day notice, I was now finally at the end of my journey and tomorrow I would graduate and become an Airmen. The nerves and excitement were running through my body as I was unable to sleep in anticipation of the big day. Now the day is here and I get to celebrate all my hard work by seeing my family and earning the title of an Air Force Airmen.
However, for much of America’s history, its police agencies themselves have been quite distinct from the military, serving numerous roles that range from “crime fighting” to “social peacekeeper” (Winright, 2014, p. 10). However, in recent years the crime fighting role of the police – sometimes referred to as “the military model of policing” – has become increasingly emphasized, often to the detriment of other police roles (Winright, 2014, p. 10). In conjunction with this, and in response to changing threats and mandates, police agencies have increasingly come to resemble the military in their tactics, equipment, and training (Bieler, 2016). Increased police militarization in response to changing law enforcement roles and specialized criminal threats is a necessary component of modern policing, but poses real dangers of abuse, escalating violence, and miscasting of the police role that warrant significant oversight and
“but I don’t have one I said I don’t even know what i’m here for”I said.
"You think you’re funny, son? Well, I'm pretty funny too. All civilian men are to report to their commanding officer in ten minutes!"
Throughout the course of history, the defense of nations has been one of the most significant and beneficial foundations of the world in which we live today. In today's day and age, the defense of the United States has long been of the utmost importance of national security. However, many individuals fail to understand that the internal defense of our nation is essentially of far greater importance in viewing national security on a day-to-day basis. For many American citizens existing in the modern age, life seems to run quite smoothly, and what we often take for granted is the fact that this smooth nature has much to do with the successful policing of our country by thousands of law enforcement officials who go to work every day to protect not only our safety, but our way of life. The United States, like so many countries around the world, has a particular government entity that works to ensure the maintenance of internal order within its borders, and in understanding the makeup of the American police force, as well as its affecting trends and issues, one can better understand what measures must be taken in order to ensure that the American police force maintains the highest standards of operation that it can.
However, there has been situations in which successful treatments and harm reduction strategies has shown very effective, safe and cost efficient. There is gradual development in a few countries that have decriminalised drugs and have not experienced any significant increase. United Nations and the World Health Organisation have also raised their concerns on the situation and they strongly agree to decriminalise all drugs. A report from Global Commission on drug policy stating that there is an appeal to end the criminal penalties and possession of illegal
The Army and the Air Force have many similarities and differences, some of the similarities are the troop’s dedication, diversity, and patriotism, and some of the differences are the way each branch trains, their respective customs, and quality life.
Being optimistic is the main principle for most people. We may often hear the statement about “be an optimist, not a pessimist!” shouted by people. Sometimes you do it for yourself too. When facing such a failure or problem, this will not only help to relieve your heart. Being optimistic will help someone to be healthy in physical and mental. An optimist will find the best way in any circumstance and hope for every good thing can come to him/her. You may have gone through thousands of hard times. However, if you are a born optimist then you will not care of anything destructing you.