
Realism Within Alfred Hitchcock 's Psycho

Decent Essays

Realism within Alfred Hitchcock’s movie Psycho (1960) is in the form of his camera technique. In this film, Hitchcock used the camera as the diegesis. He manipulates the camera to draw the attention of the audience. When the credits suddenly appear on the screen using editing transiting lines across. He uses a sharp musical score throughout the credits to give the audience the sense of horror and suspense. The symbolism with in the credits is the dark being the dominant color and creates a visual of silent film era movies. At the beginning of the movie the camera pans from the city skyline to the window then a low shot of the bed where Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) and her lover Sam Loomis (John Gavin) are having an affair just like a bird. When Marion returns home from her job. The camera takes on human qualities as it roams around the room looking questionably at the money envelope. Hitchcock uses a close up shot of the money along with suspenseful music to show the audience that Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) is going to steal the money.
Psycho has goes back to the characteristics of the silent film and film noir movies. It conveys a lot of the dialogue mainly though close up shots of the characters faces. This is to show the emotions more precise for the audience. Majority of movies were starting to rely on actors talking in order to tell the story instead of visual representation. Alfred Hitchcock uses a lot of symbolism in this film. He used birds as a major theme in the

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