Alison’s alarm went off, and she groaned. Usually, her mum would have shouted for her to get up and out of bed by now. However, today not a sound was heard and Alison knew this was a bad sign. She clicked her alarm off and went to the bathroom and had a wash. Downstairs in the kitchen, all was quiet too. It was as though her mum had not been home all night, until she saw a mug by the sink. Alison wanted to look for her, but at the same time, she was nervous as to what she may say to her, so decided against this. She made her breakfast and ate her cereal quickly then left the house. She met Sarah halfway down her street. Sarah smiled brightly to her friend. Alison half smiled, she did not feel too good and wanted to go back to bed until …show more content…
“All right, I know. I’m not always putting my foot in it,” Sarah sighed rolling her eyes. Rachel looked at the two girls, with her nose in the air as though something unpleasant was on the ground. “Look at the state of you two. You look like you’ve been sleeping on the streets, with your crappy hairstyles and tatty uniforms. And you have the nerve to turn up to school like that, how revolting,” Rachel scowled. “But then, you always do anyway,” she laughed. “Stop being such a malicious cow!” Simon shouted. “At least they don’t need to spend all their living lives in front of a mirror to look like that, because you look more like you’ve slept rough. So get over it,” Simon snarled and looked at Rachel with annoyance before storming off and leaving Rachel looking surprised. Alison and Sarah laughed hard; Rachel had never been spoken to like that before by Simon, and ran off begging Simon to wait for her, followed by William, who too had a look of confusion written over his clammy face. “Serves her right,” Sarah laughed. “Never thought he’d say that though, thought he fancied her.” “No way, he was forced to be friends with her. Oh well, at least it balances my day.” “What does that mean?” Sarah asked. “You know, the ups and downs I’m going to have today. I will have Mum yelling at me when I get home, but having that snob spoken to like that, kind of level’s the depression out of my life a bit,” Alison smiled. “I see,” Sarah said slowly, not knowing what her friend
Caroline: How do you think it made me feel to have my boyfriend call me ugly and fat in front of all my friends?
“Ah fuck. I knew this would be a circus,” Maria groused. “Alright kid it's show time. Let's run off some vultures.”
"You were hitting on the guy's wife," Cass retorted matter-of-factly, his gaze never leaving the road ahead of them. "If that were me, I would've been pretty pissed too."
Veronica walked into the kitchen, fresh, clean, and free from the dream of earlier. She wore only a casual outfit of jeans and camisole top. No need to dress up if she had the evening off. She brewed a pot of extremely strong coffee and ate a slice of dry toast as she waited. She never was a huge breakfast eater. She saw an open box of cereal with loose cereal pieces on the counter. She rolled her eyes as she cleaned up the mess and put the box away. The open box was one of her biggest pet peeves.
“You know, maybe it’d just be better to end things right now. Save ourselves the trouble later. I mean that’d be easier, right?!” she said, calmly.
“R-r-revenge,” he stuttered. “She deserved it after getting me suspended. And I wanted to leave this school and be known as the top biology student. As second place, I am a failure.”
“Look Lieutenant, the Captain said you were capable of this, so do not make him a liar.” Stepping a few feet away from her, with a displeased look on her face Rachel retorted
“There were two of them. One had long red hair and he was wearing an ugly suit and tie. The other one had short, brown hair and a black jacket with no shirt. And they were,” Howleen took a breath, her eyes becoming downcast. “They were both
"It's just... I don't want her to live with the guilt of being some pony who would harm others. I don't want her to go through what I've been through."
Rachel was trying so hard to say no, but it wasn't coming out of her mouth.
She quietly screeched as the pan made a loud noise, they both turned their heads looking at the doorway making sure nobody awoke from the noises. Marie looked into Jenny’s eyes and whispered “ go upstairs”. The girls softly shuffled to their rooms, as quiet as church mice, they jumped lightly into their beds ,huddling under their sheets ,pretending to be sound asleep. Karen quickly arose from bed and awoke James to check
He was right. She was an opportunity I shouldn 't miss. "Fine," I say. I 'm always falling into his little schemes.
“Sorry, but I can’t see myself forcing someone into a relationship they want no part of.”
Alison felt sick. She could not believe that she had put herself forward by agreeing to take three people to Frinda. A place that if they got caught in, could mean trouble, not only from her mum, but also the queen, who did not wish nosey kids to probe her kingdom before going to war.
“I will beat you” she growled out, she wasn't looking at him but to me- she was avoiding eye contact with him. Juliette wasn't mad or angry, she was happy and liked the teasing but she just hid it very well