
Reasoned Action Theory

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The theory of reasoned action would appear to possess the necessary conceptual elements to explain and predict BPD. In addition, considering strong genetic ties between bipolar and other mental illness in the family’s history that predict BPD. BPD consists of core features that include emotional dysregulation, high levels of impulsivity, leading to self-harm and suicidality, and disturbed interpersonal functioning (Fonagy et al., 2011). Furthermore, a BPD client will engage others through intense attachments such as idealizing and devaluing, which negatively impacts others in their environment (Cozolino, 2014). Based on the theory of reasoned action, a person with BPD will either idealize or devalue their relationships because the attitude …show more content…

When there is an imbalance it impacts how the individual with BPD perceives the world. Furthermore, symptoms of depression and feelings of loneliness are correlated with the dysregulation of systems that regulate arousal, mood, well-being, and reward (Bohus et al., 2004). BPD is associated with abnormal functioning of neurotransmitters, such as: serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine (Bohus et al., 2004; Cozolino, 2014). There’s too little dopamine being released that’s necessary to find pleasure in everyday activity, and the intense anger and rage comes from an overactive serotonin or norepinephrine neurotransmitter (Cozolino, 2014). Similarly, these neurotransmitters influence other emotional dysregulation that cause impulsivity, self-harming behaviors, and difficulty relating with others (Cozolino, 2014). Irritability and self-harming behaviors have been associated with a damaged frontal cortex (Bohus et al., 2004). The frontal cortex is the part of the brain that puts breaks on emotions; therefore damage to the prefrontal cortex leads to hypersensitivity that influences sexuality, aggression, and self mutilation (Bohus et al., 2004; Cozolino,

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