
Reasons For Economic Growth And Decline

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 #1) what leads to economic growth, according to Sachs? Decline? There are many reasons for economic growth and decline. For example, main reason for economic decline are cultural barriers, geopolitics, poverty traps and government failure. Cultural barriers are ideals that blocks economic growth, such as women from working. Poverty trap are vicious cycle that people cannot leave. Geopolitics are when there are wars, trade disruption and disadvantage geography. Lastly, the government failure and corruption are preventing economic growth. But Sach’s main point is that economy can improve if the country accepts help from other nations. He also explains that the best way to increase a nation’s Gross domestic product (GDP) is by increasing trade, upgrading and getting new technology, increase the amount of resource generated and create and saving and investment system. Increasing trade will allow more goods going in and out and increase the amount of good people want and create a market. Having better technology allows faster production and better transportation of goods, also increases the amount of raw resource generated. Saving will allow people to save money for latter and may be used to invest in other products.

 #2) What is the poverty trap, according to Sachs? How is the international community supposed to help? According to Sachs, Poverty trap is when people are not able to escape the cycle of poverty, meaning that they lack the money and capabilities to

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