There is a quote somewhere that goes like this, “The beauty of women is the root of all evil, it makes men lose their minds.” in Macbeth’s case it's true because Lady Macbeth is more evil than Macbeth. It's all her fault because Macbeth loses his mind and goes crazy for the things he has done. All thanks to Lady Macbeth who enforced killing Duncan.
So the first reason why Lady Macbeth is more evil than Macbeth is that she convinced him. Macbeth was weighing out his options of weather he should kill Duncan to be king, or have faite take him to the throne. Lady Macbeth’s plan was to keep running her mouth so Macbeth will listen to her. Of course Lady Macbeth interrupts him and tells Macbeth, “Wouldst thou have that which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, And lives a coward in thine own esteem.” (1.7.44-46) She’s telling him that he shouldn't be a coward and that he should kill Duncan. He fell for her trick and he killed Duncan that night.
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For example she was the one who drugged the guards’ drinks and laid out their daggers for Macbeth to use. She would of been the one to kill Duncan but she said he looks like her dad when he sleeps. She says, “What cannot you and I perform upon Th’ un gaurded Duncan?”(1.7.76-77) So because she drugged Duncan's guards they can do pretty much anything. Then Macbeth came back from the murder he brought the daggers with him when he was supposed to leave them by the guards. Lady Macbeth went back to the room and smeared blood on the guards and put the daggers
In Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth arrays a daunting, chilling, and manipulating woman. Lady Macbeth's’ role is being Macbeth’s wife. Although they show a strong love for eachother, Lady Macbeth still has a pugnacious side to her. This character convinces a brave, strong warrior (Macbeth) to murder the righteous King Duncan (Scottish King). She is very power hungry, comparable to characters in other Shakespearean plays (like Caesar). If she did not manipulate, Macbeth may not have murdered. He may have stayed a humble, guilt free, and bold leader. Before the murder of the king, Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to, “look like an innocent flower, / But be the serpent under’t” (1.5.64-65). Meaning, be evil in your heart, but look
Macbeth is in fact more than a just a dagger in Lady Macbeths hand. In the beginning, Lady Macbeth does influence and plant the idea of murder into Macbeth’s head. She taunts him and plays on his manhood which forces him to commit the evil crime of murder to achieve his ambition to be king. However, as time progresses, Lady Macbeth begins to feel ashamed of the crime she had helped commit and Macbeth continues to commit the crimes by himself without shame and without telling his wife, Lady Macbeth. Though Lady Macbeth may have planted the idea of murder into Macbeth’s head, Lady Macbeth has intended to do no more harm and murder than what Macbeth had turned out to commit. In saying this, it was actually Macbeth who had set out his own plans of murder in the end and Lady Macbeth had nothing
She manipulated her husband into doing something bad which involved killing king Duncan. She gave her husband the dagger and told him to kill the king at night.Macbeth didn't
However, when Macbeth returns home from fighting he is greeted with the plan to kill Duncan. At first he refuses to co-operate but his wife manipulates him to change his mind. She throws at him insults, such as ‘once you durst do it, then you were a man’ and to call a man who just fought bravely for his king a coward in a mighty insult. She also throws at him ‘From this time such I account thy love’. At the end, in order to make sure Macbeth does commit the unnatural deed she tells him a disturbing image of her with her newborn child ‘And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you’.
At the start of the play, Lady Macbeth was “in control” of Macbeth. He listened to her and done everything Lady Macbeth told him to do to prove of himself to her. Although Macbeth was then the King of Scotland, he was not always the king. The way he actually became king was because of Lady Macbeth. She came up with an evil plan to murder the original king was named Duncan. Macbeth was against this plan at first: “We will not proceed no further in this business” (1.7.31). Then, after Lady Macbeth used her controlling ways, he changed his mind. Lady Macbeth questioned Macbeth’s manhood (1.7.35-44). Macbeth felt as
Aptly described as "fiendlike" by Prince Malcolm, Lady Macbeth was a major participant in the ruin of Macbeth. She was a woman virtually devoid of human emotions and general scruples. Her lack of principles and mindless ambition made her a proponent of seizing the throne. She goaded her husband into the act of vile murder with the words, "Yet do I fear thy nature. / It is too full o' the milk of human kindness" (Shakespeare 189). Lady Macbeth later said, "When you durst do it [kill Duncan], then you were a man" (Shakespeare 189). Lady Macbeth called Macbeth weak and made light of his manhood in order to influence him towards the murder of Duncan. Without the influence of his wife, Macbeth may have lacked the single minded resolve to go through with the murder of good King Duncan. In addition to pushing Macbeth to commit the murders, Lady Macbeth acted as accomplice that made his succession to the throne possible. Lady Macbeth came up with the plan to frame two innocent guards for the murder of Duncan. "...his two chamberlains [the ones she planned to frame for the murder] / Will I with wine and wassail so
To prove Lady Macbeth calls the shots she makes sure Duncan gets murdered so that Macbeth could be King. Lady Macbeth also
In conclusion, Lady Macbeth’s ruthless drive is what makes her liable for causing the most evil in Macbeth. Her persuasive insults attribute Macbeth to commit a series of murders that leads to his downfall. Despite the fact that Macbeth is the one commits these actions, it is Lady Macbeth who motivates him. The witches are less evil, because they only place the idea
Macbeth’s wife, Lady Macbeth, was a woman who strived for a leading role in the kingdom and true power who would have done anything to get it. Lady Macbeth had the intention to kill King Duncan and take away the throne by convincing Macbeth to commit scandalous and shameful crimes in the kingdom. Lady Macbeth was a manipulative woman whom no one can trust. However, her relationship with her husband was much different and also much stronger than the relationship
She repeatedly questions his manhood, courage, and his love for her. She knows he is too weak to kill Duncan so she has no choice but to manipulate him to win him the title of King. She does this until he feels that he has no choice but to commit the murder to prove him to her.
Macbeth faced many important decisions when he had felt loyalty to the king, but still took his life and had other people kill for him. He convinced them this is what had to be done. Lady Macbeth made more decision for him when he was not going to go through with it. She would insult her husband and make him feel like he was not going to be a good king or man.
Although had strong ambition to become King, it is obvious Lady Macbeth played an enormous role in the murder of Duncan which was largely self-motivated. She played on his weaknesses and insecurities, which was fueled by her lust for power and insanity. Lady Macbeth is the true villain as she was Macbeths perfect accomplice.
For all the sound and fury, Lady Macbeth's evil signifies nothing. She has no goal that requires such sinister behaviour. When she learns of the witches' promise, Duncan is nothing to her but a suitable victim. Her true goal is not to gain the throne. Her motive is only to increase her personal perception of her power.
In the Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare depicted the fall of a valiant general, who usurped the Scottish throne and eventually destroyed by his ever inflating ambition. During the course of regicide, his wife Lady Macbeth act as a powerful stimulant, who coaxed and pushed Macbeth to kill the beloved king Duncan. However,we can see from the play that though Lady Macbeth had a pivotal role to play in this evil deed, she did not bear chief responsibility of the murder. She was an intimidating and evil character from the beginning, while as situation developed, his husband became a much
In the beginning of the play Lady Macbeth was the evil one in charge, making decisions for her and Macbeth. She was making decisions for her and Macbeth and forcing him to act upon them. She was the mastermind behind the killing of Duncan. In the beginning of the play Lady Macbeth represents evil by her actions and her wanting to be this way. In the beginning she asks the spirits to unsex her and make her more masculine and powerful. She wants to have her Make thick my blood. Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious visitings of nature” (1.5.47-61). Lady Macbeth wants for her to not feel any remorse and to act upon what she thinks is right. She wants for Duncan to be killed and forces her husband to do so. She is the mastermind behind the killing of Duncan and causes Macbeth to make a complete change in character. Macbeth begins to not listen to her and starts to boss her around. This really affects Lady Macbeth and she does not know how to proceed. By the end of the play Lady Macbeth gives up on trying to control Macbeth and her evil ways. Lady Macbeth realizes that Macbeth is crazy and she can not control what he does. She then decides that the situation she is in with Macbeth is so bad that she has end her life. Her death is a defeat to her controlling evil ways.