
Reasons For The Downfall Of Lady Macbeth

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There is a quote somewhere that goes like this, “The beauty of women is the root of all evil, it makes men lose their minds.” in Macbeth’s case it's true because Lady Macbeth is more evil than Macbeth. It's all her fault because Macbeth loses his mind and goes crazy for the things he has done. All thanks to Lady Macbeth who enforced killing Duncan.
So the first reason why Lady Macbeth is more evil than Macbeth is that she convinced him. Macbeth was weighing out his options of weather he should kill Duncan to be king, or have faite take him to the throne. Lady Macbeth’s plan was to keep running her mouth so Macbeth will listen to her. Of course Lady Macbeth interrupts him and tells Macbeth, “Wouldst thou have that which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, And lives a coward in thine own esteem.” (1.7.44-46) She’s telling him that he shouldn't be a coward and that he should kill Duncan. He fell for her trick and he killed Duncan that night. …show more content…

For example she was the one who drugged the guards’ drinks and laid out their daggers for Macbeth to use. She would of been the one to kill Duncan but she said he looks like her dad when he sleeps. She says, “What cannot you and I perform upon Th’ un gaurded Duncan?”(1.7.76-77) So because she drugged Duncan's guards they can do pretty much anything. Then Macbeth came back from the murder he brought the daggers with him when he was supposed to leave them by the guards. Lady Macbeth went back to the room and smeared blood on the guards and put the daggers

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