The Vietnam War was not always a hated war. When the United States first introduced the idea of declaring war in Vietnam, there were few reasons to protest it. The United States believed that in order to stop the threat of communism spreading to countries south of the Soviet Union, the United States must be the ones to intervene. The United States had a containment policy in act to try and prevent the spread of communism from the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea. As the war raged on, protests began to become common place in the Unites States for a plethora a reasons. Beginning a war in Vietnam was thought to be a quick war in order to prevent communism from spreading to South Vietnam. But yet, the United States ended up having to enforce
The Vietnam conflict has been known for being the most unpopular war in the history of the United States. The war of 1812, the Mexican war and the Korean conflict of the early 1950's were also opposed by large groups of the American people, but none of them generated the emotional anxiety and utter hatred that spawned Vietnam. The Vietnam war caused people to ask the question of sending our young people to die in places where they were particular wanted and for people who did not seem especial grateful.
The different beliefs caused a lot of problems for example the Vietnamese War that started on November 1, 1955 and ended on April 30, 1975. The Vietnamese War was also known as Resistance War against America. It occurred in Vietnam and Cambodia. The leader for the north was Ho Chi Minh and the South was Ngo Dinh Diem. The US supported the south of Vietnam and the USSR supported the north of Vietnam. The reason USA got involved in the War because they didn’t wanted the part of the world falling under the communist influence. The USA also got involved because they wanted to help the Northern side of Vietnam that was led by Ho Chi Minh. Both the countries knew that they can’t have an all-out nuclear war so they decided to cause problems in Vietnam.
Exploring the Reasons for United States' Involvement in Vietnam 1. US involvement in Vietnam The US wanted to stop communist expansion into South Vietnam after successfully stopping them from capturing South Korea but President Eisenhower could not get the support of the people. Therefore he used a different way i.e. sending a team of 12 intelligence agents under Colonel Edward Lansdale to win over the South Vietnamese people by spreading lies about the Ho Chi Minh government killing political opponents and the presence of Chinese communists in South Vietnam. Besides that colonel Lansdale also employed mercenaries to sabotage North Vietnam and boost up the image of President Diem.
The American involvement in the Vietnam War was a very controversial decision, with many people being for the war, however many people in the United States were also against the war. The Vietnam War was the longest lasting war in the United States history, before the Afghanistan War, in which most people felt strongly about, be them United States citizens, Vietnamese citizens, or just the global population. In order to better understand the ideas of those American citizens that are either for or against the war, one would have to look at the reasons that the United States was involved in the war, the impact of the Vietnam war on the American society, and the impact on the United States foreign policy.
Many people felt that this was a war of money that the U.S. didn’t need to interfere in and was being fought by North and South Vietnam, therefore we had no business getting in the middle of it. The United States should've thought of themselves and done what was best for them as a country. When Dwight D. Eisenhower left office, a new President came in with the name John F. Kennedy. JFK warns the American public about “Military Industrial Complex”. This affected Americans because we didn’t want all of Vietnam to become communist. From the beginning, the United States was not aware of what they were getting themselves into. Furthermore, they didn’t understand the nature of the war on who and why they were fighting.
The Vietnam war was one of the most publicly hated wars in American history. The amount of people killed and the amount of people declared MIA is unfathomable. These troops were never liked, never supported, and to this day are over looked because no one wants to remember the years of the Vietnam war.
The Vietnamese War had no certain beginning. It was known as the second Indochina was and it took place throughout Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. This war lasted for about twenty years, which basically made it the longest war in U.S. history. While the war had no certain beginning, it was estimated to have begun around November 1995. The war then ended to the Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1973.
The United States became increasingly involved with the War in Vietnam mostly thanks to their enmity with Russia due to the fact they were Communist, and how the USSR spread claiming countries that could’ve been turned democratic and become trading partners of the US. While Russia, Britain and the USA were all allies in WW1, they disagreed on many things, especially on how Germany should be punished and how should Europe be handled.
First and foremost, the Vietnam War was a conflict between the communist regime of the north and southern allies. People viewed the war as a continuation of the First Indochina war against France; while the involvement in the war as a way to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam. The purpose of the war was to reunify Vietnam and by doing that North Vietnamese government against the Viet. Congress had to fight bringing something that was once broken back together again. Fear that the public would not forgive them for losing Vietnam made it impossible for Presidents Kennedy and Johnson to remove the United States from an increasingly untenable situation. By 1968, the number of U.S. troops in Vietnam exceeded half a million and the conduct
Millions suffered. More than fifty thousand people died, and hundreds of protests. The Vietnam War, one of the longest wars ever fought by the United States, became an era full of controversy, nonviolent protests, and unwanted attention to the U.S. After the war escalated to its highest point in the 1960s, President Lyndon B. Johnson started drafting more young men into war. This decision was highly criticized by anti-war supporters and the young men’s family. The Vietnam War was proved to be a common topic among writers who felt the need to fight against the war, and combat the issue of drafting. Still today, the Vietnam War is one of the mostly highly debated conflicts in the US.
The Vietnam War was not talked about by merely any souls out in the vast Universe. It was unpopular most of the years it had been being fought, but the opposition to it grew in 1968. The Viet Cong launched a massive offensive on key cities and military centers; and U.S. troop levels amplified and so did the injuries and deaths. This war had a no-win situation, meaning that many people believed that our involvement in Vietnam was not accomplishing anything as enormous numbers of our troops were dying. There were disturbing and horrific photographs, as well as videos, that were sent back to the U.S. which showed the civilian population how
My name is Deepa Oja and I reside in your district 7. I am writing to support your bill H.R. 1604, Veteran’s Mental Health Care access Act, which you cosponsor. The bill calls for veterans to be eligible for mental health care at non Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities, regardless of when they enrolled in the VA health care system or seek care at a VA facility, or the location of the veteran 's residence.
“Defeat in Vietnam has left the United States deeply divided” (Hallin, 1986:3). The Vietnam War became a major Cold War conflict in the 1960s period. This essay will evaluate the following question; what are the main reasons for the United States (US) defeat in the Vietnam War? The research was done through the qualitative research method which included books, journals and articles. This essay will argue that the main reasons for the US defeat in the Vietnam War was because of their inefficient tactics, inexperienced soldiers, and both international and home pressure. This research is important because the question has not been answered to its fullest extent. Additionally, it provides evidence that countries with powerful nuclear weapons and
The Vietnam War was a 20 year dispute over the political power struggle, unification, and spread of communism in their newly independent country. Northern Vietnam, officially known as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, fought alongside their communist allies, the Soviet Union and China, for what they viewed as their independence and unity of Vietnam. The nationalists of the Republic of South Vietnam fought alongside the US and their other allies in the Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO) to prevent the spread of communism.
The Vietnam War is one of the most important conflicts of the twentieth century. It is the second most traumatic, contentious, and problematic event in U.S. history—the first being the Civil War. Yet the Vietnam War, means that “the dispute zone”. it was also called "Second Indochina War" and the "American War".