
Reasons Of Quiting Youth Sports

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Too Intense, Too Young These days, youth sports are pretty intense for many reasons. Some of these reasons are even causing kids to quit sports. Many athletes suffer injuries at a young age. Athletes sometimes quit because coaches and parents take the fun out of it. There is more and more pressure to play one sport year round. Playing a sport all year round is giving you an advantage over many other people you usually play sports with. Your abilities to do that sport will increase dramatically, and will be easier on you in your school sport season. Sports are a thing kids love these days, but, to some kids, playing every week of the year is too much for them. If it is a sport you love, it is worth playing all year round, if it is not, then you are making your kids suffer. Because …show more content…

On the other hand, some people support youth sports being intense. Since the parents do not have the guts to do it themselves, they want the coaches to do it. Parents allow this because they do not want to be the ones to take their child's confidence away, they want to be as supportive as possible. Also, parents make their kids do competitive sports just because they want them to get noticed. According to Detroit Free Press, parents put a lot of time into their kids sports and they automatically think that if they put all of the time in, “they will see a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of a scholarship” ( That does not happen that easily. You have to earn your scholarships by working hard, not just because you think you deserve one without doing anything. At some point, parents will think that their kids need to push themselves to their limits so they can get noticed by college coaches. If kids do this all the time, overuse

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