
Reasons Why Stereotypes Disrespect Their Parents

Decent Essays

Have you ever heard a teenager disrespect their parent in public or watch them be constantly drug into their phone and social media? If you have seen this a couple of times before, you might of created a stereotype that all teens disrespect their parents and are oblivious to the world around them. This stereotype categorized every teen in the world into one little group. A stereotype is used to describe a group of individuals, which sometimes can affect how they think or act. Stereotype formation, how the stereotype itself can affect people, and all the different kinds of groups people are able to categorize people into are astounding.
There are many reasons why stereotypes can form. The main reason why they can form is because people feel the need to categorize everyone into certain groups. The stereotype ignores the personal traits and mental parts of someone and saves energy for the person stereotyping. Stereotyping allows people to ignore all personal qualities of an individual. (McGarty et al)
Some other reasons why people stereotype is just simply because of their upbringing. The media, parents, teachers and religious leaders can play a big role for the child whose stereotyping. For example, on TV a show or movie can display a perky cheerleader dating a tough jock. Once the child sees enough of these …show more content…

The media portrays a lot of things, but they mostly portray the women. Whether it’s in a positive or negative way, all women in the media can affect how a young girl thinks or acts. The young girls get “messages” from how women are shown in the media. (Signorielli) For example, Miley Cyrus used to be a big role model for young girls. Now, she’s considered to be a very bad influence on the young. Also, another example is when a famous women starts dangerously losing a lot of weight, the young girls reflect off of what they see and strive to be like and look like them.

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