5 Reason why you should get a dog right away
Dogs have been human’s best friend from the beginning of time. There are thousands of stories in regards to canine’s bravery, loyalty, and emotional connection. Dogs are the only species of mammal that are most close to humans, closers than cats. There are uncountable benefits of having dogs as friends. I had listed some of the benefits below:
1. You are safe
Regardless of how strong and effective security system you installed in your home, it is not comparable with the security provided by the dogs. The more dogs you have the better it is. When you have two or more dogs and when they bark in a row it scares the hell out of anybody. Does not matter how macho or strong the man is, two dogs when barks together are enough to keep
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You get more social support when you walk with your dog, and the more social support you get the more you improve your psychological and physical health. Social support leads to less depression, less loneliness, greater self-esteem and greater happiness. Owning a dog will make you experience unconditional love, companionship, and social connectedness. When a person experiences the above mention points in his life, his mortality rate automatically increase. 5. You live in the present moment
Most of us spend our lives living in the past or future, remembering the past events or thinking about, what will happen in the future. Living in the past or future is really a bad thing to do. Getting a dog will always keep you busy and you will be free from all the problems and an issue that is hammering you. Owning a dog means dedicating time and dedicating time to something means living in the present. You get a purpose in life, when you have the purpose you are fully in the moment and being fully in the present means you are not worrying about the past or
Although I have heard from so many people, that a dog is a man 's best friend, I always wondered what completes their strong relationship. Similarities, loyalty, or possibly companionship? There is a reason why we call dogs a man 's best friend. We can learn so many things from a dog 's behavior, attitude, personality, and willingness to provide love and loyalty. When we come home from a long day at work, dog 's do not judge us. No matter how grumpy and tired we are, our dog is happy to see us. It will always greet us with a positive and enthusiastic mind. Appreciating what is happening at the moment, is something that we can learn from our pets. They do not think about what is going to happen tomorrow. They live in the present moment. "As we age, so many people lose the capacity to play, to have fun and enjoy the moment." (Herzog 97) The relationships between humans and dogs grow from attitude, personality and behavior. Dogs can
The research question states ‘To what extent is owning a dog beneficial for a person’s physical and psychological health?’ The investigation is aimed to determine the extent of the benefits of owning a dog for a person’s physical and psychological health. The main focus will be on exercising, developing one’s responsibility and companionship. The findings from this research target on people those involved or interested in owning a dog, such as dog owners, animal lovers, children and the elderly. The investigation will address three key benefits of owning a dog in terms of maintaining one’s physical and psychological health, which include exercise, taking responsibility and companionship.
Dogs will protect you and they can also provide comfort and support in forms of affection and companionship for an individual suffering from various mental and emotional conditions.
Canines have the ability to serve as seeing-eye dogs, firedogs, service dogs or just a playful, loyal companion. The closer the dog and human’s relationship is, the stronger the feelings between them are. Canines have a talent of recognizing dangerous situation and being there for humans in their time of
We always say, “Dog is the best friend of human,” but how many of us know the history of human-canine relation and things that dogs have done for us? Maybe the one who truly loves dogs will know about these. There is no exactly record about how dogs came into our lives, but dogs have worked for human for the last ten to twenty thousand years.
They walked an average of 300 minutes per week, compared with non-dog owners, who walked an average of 168 minutes per week, which in all could help you lose weight and make you healthy for a longer life. People who have strong connections to their pets also have social and relationship benefits. The researchers surveyed 500 18- to 26-year-olds and found that those who had “strong attachment to pets reported feeling more connected to their communities and relationships.” They also found that the more attached a person was to an animal as a teenager and young adult, the more empathetic and confident he or she was. Loneliness is common among the elderly. Studies have shown that in people 60 years of age and older, owning a dog were four times less likely to be diagnosed as clinically depressed. They are always happy to see you. Dogs get so excited when we come home and it always puts a smile on peoples faces. Dogs like to snuggle up to you and keep you warm when it’s chilly, especially when they're fluffy and soft. Kids learn about taking care of someone other than themselves like feeding the dog and taking them outside it really teaches kids how at a young age that they are responsible for their own things. Dog owners have a much higher rate of recovery from being sick than non-dog
Dogs have been by our sides because we have shown them love and support. The relationship between dogs and humans has changed over time because wolves became dogs and dogs became pets. This means that some dogs that are pets get shown a lot of love and support. When dogs and human gaze into each other eye, this makes them very close. Wolves were used as hunting, and human weren't showing them love and support. Dogs as pets is a big help for people who are lonely. Dogs could also be a big help by guarding people's home. They have been by our side for thousands of
Known as man’s best friend, the domestic dog is the greatest pet a person can have. Historically, the canine has been a companion of man for thousands of years. Dogs have become important members in individual’s personal lives. They can also be utilized to benefit society as a whole. Dogs should be considered the greatest animal because they can provide health benefits, are able to accomplish unique jobs in society, and have profound meaning for people.
Main point one: Companionship is important to have in your life, even if it comes from your dog. When life gets stressful it’s nice to have a companion to play with, take a walk with or even cheer you up. Companionship can be hard to come by with humans sometimes and easily found in dogs. While their personalities vary according to the breed of the dog, one characteristic remains the same, their loyalty. Dogs make great listeners, maybe because they can’t tell you to stop talking, but either way they seem to listen with interest. Many dog owners find themselves telling dogs things they can't seem to tell anyone else. This is what makes dogs good therapeutic animals. A dog is an especially good animal for someone who lives alone or suffers from depression. Having a dog present can also help people who have suffered a tragic loss in their life and need the company of another life for comfort. I know from my personal experience of losing a loved one, what a dog can do to help you through. Owning a dog gave me responsibility at me weakest and gave me a
Building a relationship with a critter can have important physical and mental wellness. Studies have shown that owning a pet and interacting consistently with animals can reduce anxiety, depression, and boost their social interaction. People who have pets, especially dogs also tend to receive more exercise from daily walks. Now, it does not matter what kind of pet, it can be a cat, a fish, a horse, a dog, a ferret or a parrot.
Based off of Jackson-Grossblat, Carbonell, and Waite (2016), they state that owning a dog enhances the relationships among other people, contributes to their self-worth, and raises happiness hormones (Jackson-Grossblat,
The domestic dog has to be one of the most unique animals that the human had ever bred. All dogs were formed differently and for separate reasons; whether it be for their looks or for their personal attributes, the dog has been evolved around humans and yet many breeds were created by humans themselves. I also believe that having a dog is a necessity to having a balanced life, just how Cesar Millan was quoted on the Brainy Quote web page “The dog can only become what's in your bubble. The dog is imitating the energy that is in your bubble. You are the source, the feast of energy. If you feel anxious, the dog becomes anxious with you. If you become nervous, the dog wakes up nervous with you”. Your dog runs off of your actions and emotions
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the benefits of obtaining a lasting relationship with a dog. Through research examined from multiple different sources the important positive influences a dog can provide include an increase in mental health, social health, and physical health. By acquiring a relationship with a dog a person can seek out meaningful companionship that they are not obtaining from being in a human relationship (Kurdek, 2009). One reason a person may turn to a dog for company is due to a recent loss of a loved one (Kurdek, 2009). In a study by Kurdek (2009) it was shown that dogs could help people in an elderly care facility by providing them with social interactions. The social interactions created helped the elderly with mental and social health, but the interactions with the dog also improved their physical health. In a study by Martin, Wood, Christian, and Trapp (2015) it was shown that owning a dog creates the obligation to walk the dog daily. With the increase in physical activity Martin et al. observed an increase in mental and social health of the subjects results from their study.
Did you know dogs can help your stress level lower other than just making you feel happy. This is just one of the many great reasons why you should get a dog. Dogs have been the human companion for centuries and otherwise than just being a good furry friend, new studies are finding out that dogs can actually help you health and keep you feeling good. Now that we are finding out that dogs can keep you healthy and make you feel good there are many more reasons for you to get one. And it only take a work and a whole lot of love to keep your pet just as healthy as it is going to keep you.
“A dog is a man’s best friend” goes much deeper than the phrase might initially imply. Recently many medical journals have begun to identify with the many and varied benefits of pet ownership. Men have always relied upon animals for work, transportation, and survival. As times have changed, man has begun to appreciate a different bond with animals. Gone are the days of animals running free outside around the homestead, for now animals are allowed inside and are considered by many to be an integral part of our daily lives! Medical studies have found that animals have a much greater intelligence level than originally thought. Through proper training and experience, animals are not only household pets, but also are becoming an accepted form