Abstract: Such many shootings as Denver Theater shooting, the Sikh Temple shooting, not only tear the heart of Americans, but also arouse the rest of world’s curiosity about this heated matter, having a great impulse to explore the reason behind the problem. Uncovered in the United States "foreign policy", from the assassination of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy in 1968 till now, there are about 30000 people die each year under shooting, that means more than 80 people were killed by guns a day on the average. It is analysed that although there are innumerable deaths of shooting, but the America still can 't enforce any gun control policy. The idea is that the gun is a tool for rebelling against tyranny and a tool for self-defense, …show more content…
Later, in the expansion of the west frontier, the guns again played an important role. At that time, the guns were already very common and became a part of Americans life. However, the real establishment of gun culture was during the American Civil War. During the Civil War, millions of Americans were armed with guns, and taught how to use guns and how to fight in the battle. It is the Civil War that further strengthened the important situation in the mind of Americans, and the people of United States also view the ownership of guns as an indepriveable right. After a long time evolution, to have gun and to use gun has constituted a part a American people’s way of life. What’s more, in the whole nineteenth century, the American government rarely took any method of law to limit the use of arms, owning guns had become nothing special. Subsequently, American’s love and passion for gun increased ever since then. Shopping at gun shops for Americans is nothing different from shopping at a shopping mall. The prominent American social study expert Herman Kahn once pointed out: “it is the core of American culture”, and in America gun is also regarded as “the symbol of order and totem”, which is also the concentrated reflection of American history, culture and tradition (Li Yuzi, 2005). Depicted as above, in the United States the appearance of gun is rooted with long history.
The deeply rooted values of gun The earlier immigrants of
The American society has for long struggle with the debate and issue of private gun ownership. There are the advocates proposing lenient laws to allow more gun possession while the people against it calling for stringent laws to control the situation. For many centuries, since the enactment of the Second Amendment and even during the slavery period, gun ownership remains an issue to debate. The negative effects have been the harassment of the minority and the vulnerable as well as increased crimes. On other hand, it has helped promote the security of the people and ensure there is no violation of people’s rights to own guns as required by the Second Amendment. As such, gun control and ownership remains a controversial and hot topic of discussion
Historian Richard Hofstadter, in his article "The United States is a gun culture" in the concept of "gun culture" to describe Americans have a enthusiastic of firearms. Many people want to accept and support the rights of gun ownership is part of the American tradition. Some people that individuals possess a gun in self-defense is a central feature of American identity, especially in the Midwest and southern people. The original of United States to open up frontier history - guns, as the Americans against native Indians, animals, riot self-defense weapon, the United States is an important part of the 19th century westward expansion, because people need to be responsible for their own safety. Hunting firearms are also important from American
One characteristic of American culture trough out the years, has been its affinity for diverse weaponry, particularly guns. However, many do not realize that America’s relationship with guns is engraved into the very frames upon which the country was established. In the eightieth century, as a means for hunting and self-conservation during the American Revolutionary War and the American Indian War, it was established with the enactment of the American Constitution that “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”, also known as the Second Amendment. (Constitution)
The issue of gun control dates back to the 17th century. There have been debates whether the government of the United States should adopt gun control or not and whether it is good for its citizens or not. As a result, two opposing groups have been formed; one supporting guns control and the other one against. According to statistics a big percentage of crimes committed in the United States are as a result of possession of guns and other firearms among citizens. In surveys carried out since 1999, over 20% of gun owners said that they owned the guns for protection. According to them, they use the guns to protect themselves against the increasing crimes. However, not all gun owners use the guns for protection; some use them to commit crimes thereby bringing in the issue of gun control. The United States government need to formulate laws and regulations to control gun ownership especially pro-guns (Spitzer p34-35).
When a person hears the word "gun," he or she usually associates the purposes and uses of a gun with crime-related issues and plots of terrorism because of modern culture. They are used for that purpose by some people, but those people do not represent all aspects of the relationship of firearms to society. In the United States, many laws have been passed in order to regulate the use of guns by certain individuals, along with the establishment of associations that specialize in the usage and handling of firearms. With the regulation of firearms passed by the government, guns has become an integral part of modern society, attributing atrocities such as homicide with them, but also providing a portable means of protection. The addition
While Americans were contemplating gun control proposals in the wake of mass shootings at a Colorado School, another gunman massacred 50 people in a club in Orlando. This incident brought heated political exchanges between President Obama and Trump, the Republican presidential candidate. It is estimated that in 2015 alone, there were more than 351 mass shootings in the United States. This is a worrying trend that should be reversed as soon as possible. Surprisingly, the trend has divided Americans into two groups. On one extreme end, there are those Americans who believe that the government should enforce gun control. On the other end, some Americans insist that stricter gun controls will not help in the fight against killings. In this light, this paper will try to provide a detailed analysis of the gun control debate while highlighting the various points made by the proponents and opponents of the gun control. The essay posits that gun control is counterproductive.
This paper will explore the history of guns, myths and realities of gun violence. Gun violence is a hot topic in America today and some may believe that America was built on gun violence. This country was colonized by the use of violence with guns. We’ve had wars since the invasion of this country. The violence has been around also with the well-known 1775 speech from Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death” (Jr.). Give me death is a very strong statement that to me means this is of a violent nature. Since then violence with guns would only escalate from taking land to taking lives whether it be homicides, suicides or threats of violence against one another. With the violent history of gun violence in America and so many different opinions, who or what is responsible for the destruction on self and society and what are the some of the ways to discourage these behaviors.
Ever since the second amendment subsist into effect, entitled gun control remains a controversial topic in the United States, especially as mass shooting, homicide rates, and crime rates continue to rise. Statistics clearly reveal that among the fourteen worst shooting massacres that have occurred over the past years, half of them took place in the America. Tragic examples include incidents at the Columbine, Virginia Tech, and an Aurora movie theater. These rising numbers of mass shooting prove that the United States possesses one of the highest rates of gun-related violence among developed countries (Ballaro and Finley, Cook and Ludwig, Dao).
It is impossible to fully stop and prevent tragedies related to gun use or misuse. In the United States, it has been a series of tragedies in recent times that have left everyone perplex to the level of violence. Since the times of the protests in the 1960’s, to the Columbine massacre of 1999, to the very recent massacre at a rural Texas church. This recent incident, several others in past few years, has spark the debate over gun control in the United States. More and more are calling for a complete ban for assault type of weapons, that to include fully automatic and semi –automatic weapons with military attachments and features. In the light of the recent surge of incident
Gun control has been a debated, revisited and revised issue for more than a century in the United States. Recently, after several mass shootings in the United States, gun violence issues are; yet again, renewed and in the forefront for the United States. This paper will consist of insight on gun violence in the United States and the newly imposed gun control policies by President Obama; along with, the arguments for and against the new policies and what roles both the formal and informal actors have played in the resolve of this; once again, disturbing issue.
No issue has dominated America like gun violence. Since the start of 2017 there has been 384 mass shootings in America (Mass Shooting Tracker). These include the horrifying event in Las Vegas, where Stephen Paddock opened fire on a concert from his room at the Mandalay Bay. He ended up killing fifty nine people and injuring around four hundred and fifty people (Mass Shooting Tracker). It also includes the shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas where a gunman entered a church and killed twenty seven people and injured another twenty. Reactions to these types of events are fairly similar. An outcry for background checks and even calls for a ban on all firearms usually follow after these events, and for good reason. The loss of life due to gun violence is becoming all too normal in the United States, but to ban all guns would be ineffective and unethical. This article will show that gun control has not worked in certain places of America and other parts of the world. The article will also describe why it is not a viable solution to ban all guns because it would infringe on the Second Amendment. In addition, the article will also present the opinion of those who think that a ban on all guns is a viable solution. This article will now show examples of gun control not working in the United States and other places of the world.
A gun has the capacity to convert a conflict into a serious crime. The power of a gun is vast. But it the power of the gun is appreciated in right hands. The effects of a gun can be cherished when it is used by right hands and with the right intention. The effects of the gun are condemned when it reaches in wrong hands. A gun can protect as well as end someone’s life. When it ends the life of a criminal, it is a sign of bravery but when it takes the lives of innocent people it is condemned. Therefore, it must be understood that power should lie in the best hands. The mass shooting incidents, gun deaths, suicides and other such social attacks force the government to refrain people from obtaining guns easily.
The issue of guns is one of the most prominent social problems in the United States, and every time after the shooting incident, the voice of gun control became to rise and the debate of banning guns emerge again. What People can do is only to offer their condolences, griefs and protests for gun violence, and stand for moments of silence. People still don’t have any law of gun control in return even if in the face of these bloody statistics. Because this issue is not just a simple social problem, and this issue has evolved into an intricate issue and many factors are intertwined, such as cultural tradition, value concept, legal rights, party politics and interest groups. I argue that the gun control movement will continue to develop,
A shooting here; a shooting there; an every day occurrence heard in the newspapers and on the news channels on television. New media are reporting a shooting somewhere. Whether the shootings are accidental or intentional; they are happening across the United States. Nevertheless, in today’s society, gun violence is sparking debate and controversy on how to control gun violence. Throughout the country, thousands of laws and regulations have been created to aid in the control of guns. Through much study, the gun laws and regulations in place have very little effect on the number of gun related injuries and deaths. More needs to be done to establish an effective way to control gun violence.
It is impossible not to open a newspaper, watch the television, or listen to the radio with out hearing about some type of gun violence. Perhaps the main reason for such high gun violence is that guns are so plentiful in the Unites States. In fact, there are sixty five million handguns in America ("The `facts' about Guns"). These guns contribute to an annual medical cost of fourteen billion dollars, which is spent solely on treating gun victims ("Handguns in America"). Not surprisingly, handguns are the cause of eighty percent of homicides, seventy percent of suicides, and almost every accidental shooting ("Youth and Violence"). Handgun violence is a problem that is easy for everyone to see. How to solve this predicament is another