
Rebecca Klienberger Mask Speech

Good Essays

The first sensation of the outside world one feel as a baby are the vibrations patterns of your mother's voice. Rebecca Klienberger is a MIT researcher that studies the relationship between people's voices and their interconnection with other human voices. In this essay, I argue that Klienberger speech covering why one dislikes their own voice and expressing the importance of the voice has earned a overall B+. In Klienberger speech she discuss two main central ideas, the predictability of diseases using ones voice, a explanation of the concept known as “The Mask” and unfortunately for the MIT researcher she lacks a third central idea.
Klienberger initiates her speech by discussing her first central idea which is the ability to predict diseases …show more content…

The mask in simple terms is how you perceive your own voice also known has your inner voice. Kleinberg initiates by explaining the outervoice. She starts by stating the physical mechanics such as how the lungs contract the diaphragm which then creates vibration making sound travels through the air . This is how everyone hears you, but you don't hear yourself in this projection. Continuing on with her explanation, she initiates the introduce of the mask. To simplify it for the audience, she illustrates a person wearing a mask. Now, when you are wearing a mask you cannot see outside the mask only the inside. It is the same with your voice. You are incapable of hearing your outer voice only your inner voice. She begins to reinforce the concept of mask by stating we have a set of filters that only muffle more our own perception of our voice. The first filter is your mask, making you sound to yourself in a lower register and more harmonically pleasing. The second filter is the sound you make that first travels through your bone which is also know has bone conduction. The third filter is when you initiate a conversation , your auditory cortex shuts down which when paired with all three filters gives a drastic different perceptions of your own voice . This explanation provides insight as to why some dislike their own voice when heard on a recording device. Let's begin by analysing Kleinberg execution of her second central idea. Overall Kleinberg has a good amount of non verbals using several hand and body movements such as the gesture to show the contraction of the diaphragm and using her hands to portray the idea of actually putting on a mask. These non gesture elements help take her speech a level up helping the audience decode a bit easier. Eye contact has also been overall good, but there are times where her eyes go straight down to the floor which ends that one on one conversation with the audience.

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