Reading log 2-17-17
The Tomorrow Code
Brian Falkner
23 - 30
I Visualize that currently in the lives of Rebecca and Tane that both their lives aren’t going well. Though they may be very talented. They definitely do have some problems that are tough for both of them to overcome. Such as a dead mom a dad who left, and a uncaring family for both of them.
Both Twyla and Roberta were misjudged. The narrator states that “no else wanted to play with us because we weren’t real orphans with beautiful dead parents in the sky.” The other orphans misjudged them because they parents were dead, but Twyla and Roberta parents were still alive and had a chance to repair their relationship as mother and daughter. Both Twyla and Roberta went throw a phrase of hoping that here parents make them proud but getting them self’s clean and health, but it turned out to be the opposite. The narrator states that”” By the way. Your mother. Did she ever stop dancing?” I shook my head. “No. Never” Roberta nodded “And yours? Did she ever get well?” She smiled a tiny sad smile. “No. She never did.”” As children whose parents are alive but can’t and won’t take care of them, Twyla and Roberta are outsiders even within the shelter. Twyla and Roberta were both two scared and lonely eight-year-old kids. As two young kids growing up they had to rely on each other so that they could survive the hard nights and
The houses they live in clearly show the different challenges they face but, the mother never uses it as an excuse to let her children down. For example, when Alice went
Tan develops her relationship with the audience by allowing us inside of her head and her private conversation that she had with her mom after Robert left. This helps to appeal to the emotions of the audience
Firstly, Rebecca Nurse and I are similar because of our nurturing capabilities towards infants and children. In the play The Crucible, it is revealed that Rebecca is the mother of eleven children who have blessed her with 26 grandchildren. The fact that Rebecca conceived and gave birth to eleven healthy babies reveals that she is well suited for motherhood. The fact that she raised all of these children up to be adults, and eventually parents, proves
“A child’s spirit is like a child, you can never catch it by running after its, you must stand still, and for love, it will soon itself come back.” (16), stated Rebecca Nurse in the play The Crucible. Rebecca The above quote demonstrates Rebecca’s mature and motherly nature. Nurse a wise old woman, birthed eleven kids and has twenty-six grandchildren. The people of Salem view Nurse as kind hearted motherly figure. She is greatly respected by the citizens of Salem. However, through a series of unfortunate events, Nurse is falsely accused of witchcraft and is hung. These events exemplify her positive characteristics, some of which I can relate to. Rebecca Nurse and I share many characteristics including our faith, charitable attitude, and rationality.
Rebecca Akin was born in 1980, and was a teenager during the early and late 1980s.Rebecca’s family included her father, mother, and two younger sisters. A typical day for her involved going to school, coming home to do homework and chores, and hanging out with friends or going outside.After dinner, she would finish up her homework, and then relax before bed.
Through their struggles Marjane and Beah share similar thoughts and views. The revolutions robbed each child of their innocence, forcing them to transform from boys and girls, to men and women. Looking to find their niche in the midst of chaos, they found
On the surface Rebecca appears to demonstrate the conventions of the romantic genre. The storyline includes a heroine, who is thinks herself to be very plain “with straight, bobbed hair and youthful, unpowdered face, dressed in an ill-fitting coat and skirt…”, as well as a hero, who the heroine believes is
Jack and Rebecca child hood past are very important on how it plays different roles and dynamics within their families. Of the many crisis and challenges that they confronted was through the process of loss of a baby and to top everything else other predictive problems in their marriage, the loss relationship between Randall and his biological father, Kevin and his bad relationship with Randall. Kate and her overweight problem .Taking these factors into account we can assist the family into recovery path. The perspective of safety.
Rebecca however focuses on her job which is to protect and cure her patient. “ There is a prodigious danger in seeking of loose spirits. I fear it, I fear it. Let us rather blame ourselves”(page 26) She didn’t just walk away when she found out she could do nothing about the problem happening on Betty , she think through it and try to find what is causing this.
The Gillison family has dealt with many emotional situations. Both Meshia and her partner Tahir have lost a parent, which has been very emotionally straining on their lives. Meshia was very close to her father. When he was diagnosed with end stage lung cancer and she had to witness him go through hospice treatment and care it took a toll on her. After her father’s death her mother and sister decided to move down south due to the new financial strains of being without her father’s income. Meshia decided to stay in Connecticut because she thought it would be best to raise her
Although the truth about Rebecca allows the narrator to overcome her insecurities and achieve equal position with Maxim, it also means the loss of her
Also, Rebecca Nurse was treated unfairly in court due to suspicion of being involved in witchcraft, but should have been judged based on solid evidence. Rebecca is a positive individual who suggests to solve everybody’s problem: “let us go to God for the cause of it. There is prodigious danger in the
Rebecca Nurse is an example of a character who has struggled in The Crucible. Rebecca says, “There is prodigious danger in the seeking of loose spirits. I fear it. Let us rather blame ourselves.” Rebecca knows the girls who cry witchcraft just do it for attention. Rebecca doesn’t think the adults should play into it. Rebecca says, “Pray, John, be calm.” Rebecca Nurse is the voice of reason. Many characters such as Ann Putnam, get agitated with her rationalization because they want to believe in witchcraft. Ann Putnam says, “I have laid seven babies unbaptized in the earth.” Ann Putnam has had many babies die, and Rebecca hasn’t. Ann says, “You think it God's work you should never lose a child, nor grandchild either, and I bury all but one?”
Maureen and Mag are isolated because of their physical location and their relationship with each other. Maureen dreams of being free of her mother’s house and small town life in Leenane. She blames her mother and her sisters for her circumstances; however, she is faced with the hard truth that men don’t come to call. Farming towns like Leenane were previously communities built on supporting each other, but over time families grew more isolated from one and other, leaving people like Mag and Maureen without the help of friendly neighbours.