Romeo and Juliet Essay Topic: ‘Deny thy father, and refuse thy name.’ Romeo and Juliet is as much about rebellion as it is romance. Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's most famous works. It is known for its enormous display of love from two teenagers and the great lengths they go through for each other leading to a tragic end. The amount of romance shown in it is definitely admirable, but, what most people do not acknowledge is the major part rebellion has in the play. There is rebellion against their own families, society and their sworn conflict. Most families have some sort of rebellion happening at one point or another and the Capulet family is no exception. After the death of Tybalt, it is obvious that Lord Capulet wants something …show more content…
Friar Lawrence went against society on more than one account. One of them was when he went and got Romeo and Juliet married without their parents consent, let alone them even knowing what was planned to happen."In one respect I'll thy assistant be: for this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households rancour to pure love" He also planned an unsuccessful escape for Romeo and Juliet. "A thing like death to chide away this shame, that cop'st with death himself to scape from it; and if thou dar'st, I'll give thee remedy." Both of those scenarios go against society's concepts of what he is meant to do with his age and position in society. Another two characters who went against society was Romeo and Juliet when they went and got married without anyone's permission but themselves and Friar Lawrence’s. "Thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow, by one that I'll procure to come to thee." His words are against society’s expectations since he was meant to ask the Capulets for permission and the marriage was meant to be blessed from both sides. The rebellion in this aspect was really important for this play because without it Romeo would have asked Juliet's parents for permission and due to their 'sworn conflict' the whole dilemma they got into would not have
Throughout the existence of humanity, there have been many notable authors whose works are studied and admired. From the works of Aristotle, all the way to Stephen King, many famous and skillful writers have wrote beloved masterpieces that people still love to this day. However, none may be as notable as William Shakespeare is, and The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is perhaps Shakespeare’s most admired, referenced, and beloved work. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a fateful love story between two teens who are repelled away from each other due to a feud between their families, the story takes place in Verona, an Italian city. The story is centered around a feud between two families, the Montagues, Romeo’s family, and Capulets, Juliet’s family.
West Side Story. Wise, Robert, Jerome Robbins, and Arthur Laurents. Santa Monica: MGM/UA Home Entertainment, 1961.Film.
Act 1 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet is set in a hall in Capulet’s house. The guests at the formal dinner just finished eating and the serving men are clearing the table. The serving men are preparing for the masked dance by clearing the stools, serving carts, and silverware. Capulet welcomes his guests to the dance and declares that the women must dance with the men and if the are shy, they will lie and say they can't. Capulet thrives for everything to be perfect and orders his servants to fix every flaw, “And quench the fire, the room is grow too hot,”(pg.56). Capulet and his cousin reminisce about the last time they went to a masquerade. They have a brief discussion about the last time they went to one.
Simile (balcony scene): O, speak again, bright angle! For thou art As glorious to this night, being o’er my head, As a winged messenger of heaven (Rom. 2. 2. 26-28). Juliet is compared to a winged messenger of heaven. Given that the comparison uses the word "as," this comparison is a simile.
This play is about a boy named Romeo and girl named Juliet. Their family are mortal enemies so that means that they are always fighting with one another. At a Capulet party Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time not knowing who each other are, until later that night that they are enemies. They begin to fall in love with each other and get married after meeting for one night. Then the drama gets to their head and they kill themselves. In Romeo and Juliet Capulet’s and Montague’s, Friar Lawrence, and Balthasar are responsible for the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
Friar Lawrence has affected Romeo and Juliet negatively because he only married Romeo and Juliet to get both houses to get along, Romeo and Juliet shouldn’t have trusted him , and he made their problems worse.
Romeo and Juliet is a play that shows how intense relationships between two young people can be, this is shown in the love that Romeo and Juliet have for each other. Then how Reckless Romeo and Juliet are stating they would kill each other if anything were to happen to the other. Finally the grief they have when they learn that the other is dead causes them to kill themselves shows the final intensity of their love. Shakespeare is trying to caution quick love or love that is created in an instant and has no thought or reason behind it.
All in all, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet consists of family love, such as when Juliet married the son of her family’s enemy and when the Prince got personally involved in the family feud because his relative, Mercutio, dies in one of their arguments, friendship love, such as when the loyalty Mercutio and Romeo gets Mercutio killed and Romeo banished, and romantic love, such as when Romeo was madly in love with Rosaline and when Juliet and Romeo fall in love and get married. In Romeo and Juliet love is emotion of deep affection usually if not always accompanied by conflict. Love and conflict are the same as comedy and tragedy; two sides of the same coin.
Act 3 Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet is set in the house of the Capulets. Juliet is anxiously awaiting night because Romeo is coming and will take her virginity. Juliet is nervous that her inexperience will be apparent to her new husband. Nurse enters the room with ladder for Romeo to climb the orchid wall later in the night. When Nurse arrives Juliet is able to sense that Nurse comes with bad news. Nurse is vague with her delivery of the news “he’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead!”(pg 128) Juliet believes that Nurse is referring to Romeo, Juliet’s belief that Romeo is dead causes her great distress. Nurse later reveals that Tybalt is the dead man she is talking about “O Tybalt, Tybalt, the best friend I had!”(pg 128) Juliet briefly believes that
Through a brilliantly written play of tragedy and woe, William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a thrilling tale of romance and passion. However, there is also a less obvious, nonetheless present, theme within the story – rebellion. Throughout the story, the main protagonists, Romeo and Juliet, show rebellion through their words and their actions. They oppose their social world and their families for the sake of their all-consuming love.
Teenage rebellion is seen as a normal phase among teens but among teenagers they see this phase as a way of demonstrating on what they want and what they would want to do.With wanting to do what they like comes off bad for parents because they parent could disagree with their child making it look like disobedience.One work of literature that shows teenage rebellion is William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet.The play shows the disobedience towards the couples parents as both sides are enemies and shows the forbidden desire of two enemies as their parents taught them to hate one another.The book Twilight demonstrates the forbidden desire of two sides but with a good ending unlike the play Romeo and Juliet.The classical disney movie Cinderella shows
Friar Lawrence provides another example of conflict when he marries Romeo to Juliet in opposition to the authority of their fathers. This conflict is unique because Romeo and Juliet’s fathers did not found out about the marriage until towards the end of the play. This creates suspense in the story. Sometimes there is conflict inside the mind of individuals. Romeo visualizes where his destiny leads him to.
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a play regarding two families who hate each other. After their children fall in love disaster strikes. Soon after the families unite and begin to care and love each other. Then Shakespeare makes it apparent that hate is just another form of love because he models love overcoming hate and solving problems caused by hate.
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a tragic love story. The story concerns the love between two young people, Romeo and Juliet. This is set against a feud between their two families: the Montagues and the Capulets. This feud develops the themes of conflict, deception and dignity in the play. The play includes a lot of themes, love, family, hate, deception and revenge.
Romeo and Juliet, one of William’s Shakespeare most famous classic works, is a heart-wrenching tale which is composed of passionate love and anger. It is a timeless piece of literature that has lasted to this century. The beautiful story is set in the remote town of Verona. This play recounts a tale of two star-crossed lovers, forbidden to pursue their inescapable love due to the long history of a violent family feud. Passion is strongly represented in Romeo and Juliet’s undying romance. As the story continues, passionate and uncontrolled anger is clearly expressed, fuelled by the noxious hatred of the family’s feud, intensifying as the plot progresses.