
Recidivism Sociology

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Week 5: Research Summary
Matejkowski, J., & Ostermann, M. (2015). Serious mental illness, criminal risk, parole supervision, and recidivism: Testing of conditional effects. Law and Human Behavior, 39(1), 75-86. doi:10.1037/lhb0000094

I. Questions: Does the author's research show a connection between parolees with serious mental illness (SMI) and play a role and pose a risk of recidivism and repeat offenses. Also, does research indicate that parole supervision impacts the relationship between (SMI) and recidivism and parole supervision?

II. Design: The author’s designed their research by following the guidelines of previous studies and data collected from Texas and Utah state prisoners by using the sampling frame extracted from the New …show more content…

Conditional Testing (n=368)
i. Findings, path X, M, Y indicate no relationship between SMI but a significant negative relationship between SMI and recidivism for nonparolees. Among nonparolees, the odds of recidivating individuals with SMI were about a third of those individuals without SMI (b=-.970;95% CI=-1.880 to -.061; OR = .379). ii. Interaction of mental health and parole status was a significant predictor of recidivism (i.e., the direct relationship between SMI and recidivism was moderated by parole status).

IV. Discussion: Based on the results, the relationships are complex among the mental illness, recidivism criminal risk, and parole release status. The purpose of the study was to conduct a process analysis of data that reflects recidivism patterns with those with or without (SMI) who were released from prison with or without parole supervision. There is no reason to believe that the influence of severe mental illness on risk level would vary based upon release status.

However, parole supervision may impact the relationship between risk level and recidivism. Logistic regression-based path analytical framework estimate both the direct effect of SMI on recidivism as well as its indirect effect on recidivism via criminal

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