
Recognition Mentor Research Paper

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What is a leader? The real question is, what does it take for someone to be considered a leader? First of all, everyone is a leader in some way; everyone has their own specialty, and depending on how they use their skill, that’s what makes them a leader. I have been involved in many leadership opportunities; like participating in The Salvation Army, helping at fairs for National Honor Society, or even volunteering to help another school related organization with concessions. But nothing comes close to the amount of time I’ve dedicated to being an Ignition mentor. As a leader, I devoted my time to this one cause, and I feel that this one is the most rewarding. The reason I feel so obligated and passionate about this organization is because during my first year as a freshmen, …show more content…

It’s because of my mentors at the time, which is why I felt a need to do better so that the upcoming freshmen don’t have to endure what I did. I’ve been through a lot, and I believe I have a lot to offer to my freshmen, so Ignition would allow me to advise and help my peers cope with their problems. At my school, the Kirtland Central Ignition is an organization where upperclassmen help incoming middle school student’s transition to high school. This is a peer mentoring program and it requires a lot out of mentors to be patient, good-listeners, and to be positive leading role models in the community. Since I’ve been a mentor, my leadership skills continue to strengthen. I already have siblings and I already had previous leadership skills, but with Ignition, it helped solidify my strengths and I also obtained new leadership skills, such as commitment, flexibility, and responsibility. In order to provide lessons and teach them how to have good study habits or having good attendance, I recently learned about myself that I’m not able to process information without looking at

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