What is a leader? The real question is, what does it take for someone to be considered a leader? First of all, everyone is a leader in some way; everyone has their own specialty, and depending on how they use their skill, that’s what makes them a leader. I have been involved in many leadership opportunities; like participating in The Salvation Army, helping at fairs for National Honor Society, or even volunteering to help another school related organization with concessions. But nothing comes close to the amount of time I’ve dedicated to being an Ignition mentor. As a leader, I devoted my time to this one cause, and I feel that this one is the most rewarding. The reason I feel so obligated and passionate about this organization is because during my first year as a freshmen, …show more content…
It’s because of my mentors at the time, which is why I felt a need to do better so that the upcoming freshmen don’t have to endure what I did. I’ve been through a lot, and I believe I have a lot to offer to my freshmen, so Ignition would allow me to advise and help my peers cope with their problems. At my school, the Kirtland Central Ignition is an organization where upperclassmen help incoming middle school student’s transition to high school. This is a peer mentoring program and it requires a lot out of mentors to be patient, good-listeners, and to be positive leading role models in the community. Since I’ve been a mentor, my leadership skills continue to strengthen. I already have siblings and I already had previous leadership skills, but with Ignition, it helped solidify my strengths and I also obtained new leadership skills, such as commitment, flexibility, and responsibility. In order to provide lessons and teach them how to have good study habits or having good attendance, I recently learned about myself that I’m not able to process information without looking at
Leadership is being able to guide other students into being the best they can be. I am a leader who is always positive and cheering others on to achieve their goals. At my school, I have a position as the Vice President of Academics in National Honors Society. Since I have obtained this position, I encourage other students in this group to participate in service projects which is where one volunteers to help out the community in some aspect. These volunteering opportunities are good thing to do because it builds character and it is always fun helping others out. As a leader, I bring new ideas to the table on where we should help out in the community and anything that we could do in school that would fun and helpful. Along with participating in National Honors Society at my school, I am also involved in our Student Government Association. Although I do not have a leadership position in this club, I still engage in the activities that we do. For the past two years, I have gone to an annual meeting for leadership where multiple schools attend. At this meeting there are fun activities where you learn more about leadership and how to be a good leader. As a leader, these meetings help because it is always good to learn new
A leader is someone who leads a group, organization, or country. I believe an effective leader is confident, unbiased, open to new ideas, and will be organized so they can run the group effectively. What good would a leader do if they’re always missing due dates, if they’re scared of people, or don’t know what they’re doing? You don’t want an unqualified leader because then we won’t be successful in whatever we decide to do this year. I am all of these qualities that make a great leader, plus I have some experience from NJHS. I am a very organized and precise person, meaning everything will be in its place, everything will meet deadlines, and events will be planned in advance and thoroughly thought through. Im very confident in what I do,
A leader is someone who possesses the qualities to both set examples and work well with others while at the same time having enthusiasm with fair judgment that is presented in a positive manner. Being the oldest sibling in my family and oldest of seven cousins has helped me develop these traits that a good leader possesses. in the activities I participate in such as helping instruct during youth baseball and basketball camps. I am willing to grow more and lead as I grow older. Becoming a member of the National Honor Society would allow me to develop important leadership skills that would benefit me later in life. I aim to be a leader and to use my knowledge to advance the causes of the organization.
What is a leader? To me a leader is someone who takes charge, someone who makes intelligent decisions and listens to the group that they are leading. If I am elected Beta Club President I will make sure that everyone has a chance to voice their opinion. If elected I will make Beta Club meetings interactive, informative, and something to look forward to. I am a hard working, goal oriented person and when I set my mind to something I get it done. However I know that we are stronger and will accomplish more with everyone working together. If you elect me your Beta Club President, together, we can make this the best year Beta Club has ever had.
Before now, I never really thought about being a leader. I always believed a leader was someone at the top, making decisions like a general in the army. The summit gave me a lot different perspectives on what a leader actually is. One thing that was said that really stuck with me was, “your college degree isn’t just for you. It is also for all those who come after you.” It was then that I really understood what a leader is. A leader is one who works their hardest to become the best person they can be, so they can set an example for others and help those who come after them.
Being a leader is more than simply holding a leadership position or having the ability to lead. Everyone is capable of being a leader, but not everyone exercises his or her leadership abilities. Each person’s idea of leadership is different. My idea of leadership has developed over time, and being a member of the President’s Leadership Class has helped me develop my philosophy of leadership further than what it was two months ago. My personal philosophy of leadership is the ability to effect change through leading by example, taking initiative, and encouraging others.
be a leader. A leader is someone who brings several people together to accomplish a common goal. A leader possesses the motivation and determination to achieve the said goal. It is easy to recognize a leader like LeBron James, the basketball star for the Cleveland Cavaliers, or JT Barrett, the starting quarterback and team captain for the Ohio State Buckeyes. Both James and Barrett motivate and drive their teams to work hard and strive to win. However, it might be more difficult to recognize a leader in your personal life; fortunately for me that was not the case. A leader and mentor that I looked up to was my softball coach Heather. Heather was already an extremely effective leader from my vantage point through sports, but through my interview with her I learned that she is a leader in all aspects of her life.
A leader is someone who stands out among his or her peers and is chosen to be placed into a position that requires setting an example and providing direction for that group. Although anyone can be chosen as a leader, he or she must be willing and deserving of this position.
Being a leader can have many different definitions depending on the person. Leadership can be an overarching umbrella over many traits. Leaders possess the ability to be trustworthy, honest, and confident to name just a few. Leadership can be used throughout all aspects of life. Becoming a leader has been a big part of my life thus far. Many steps have been taken to educate myself on the roles and traits that a leader possesses. Learning leadership can be a process, but I took to it right away. Teachers and parents are just a few of the significant people that show leadership skills and impart them on others. Leadership has been taught to me by many different people, and I plan to use those skills to help the future generations become great leaders.
Leadership is all about having the right amount of heart and determination to help make a difference in someone’s life. It takes certain qualities to be considered a good leader. A leader should want to help inspire others to make a change and to be the best that they can be. A true leader does not need to feel powerful, instead they empower those around them. Throughout my life I have come across various leaders who have made an impact on my life. It takes a very special person to inspire and touch people’s lives. Leadership is so much deeper than having power and bossing people around.
According to Webster’s Dictionary, leadership is the power or ability to lead other people, the act or instance of leading. I believe that Leadership is an art, the art to get others to follow and accomplish a common goal or task in a harmonic manner. A leader can be shown in all kinds of shapes and forms. To be a great leader many people believe it consists of modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, and encouraging the heart. Over the course of me learning how to become a better leader and being in leadership roles, I’ve learned that all these are very necessary to be a great leader.
For many years, I have been told by teachers, family, and friends that I am a good leader. Until fairly recently, I had never truly thought about what it means to be a good leader and just took it as a compliment. Leadership is an intangible concept which cannot be properly outlined in a dictionary, but one which must be formed and explained only through one’s own philosophies and experiences.
Being a leader is being a role model and striving to make a positive impact on those around you. In order to be a successful leader, you have to put yourself second and your peers first. For example, my younger sister and I both play softball. I have played on several travel teams during the summer and this year, she tried out for her first competitive travel team. I was asked to aid her by helping her with the mechanics of the game. During this time, I sacrificed my time to put the needs of another person before my own and it paid off, because she made the team and I got to witness the results of my
If you could in your own words define a leader what would you say a leader was? A leader could be considered many different things depending on who you ask. According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary a leader is a person or thing who leads. That’s a pretty broad definition. Sanjiv Kumar defines leadership as the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals (Kumar, 2014). BusinessDictionary.com defines a leader as a person or thing that holds a dominant or superior position within its field, and is able to exercise a high degree of control or influence over others. Leaders can be found in every setting. Examples of leaders include parents, teachers, religious leaders, managers, or even a band director.
Leadership is when a person motivates, inspires, encourages, and directs activates that will lead to reaching goals (Jones and George, 2013). Being a leader is an important role, one can be a leader at their job, and in their home life.