
Recommending Misty Higgins For Cue 's Outstanding Teacher

Decent Essays

I would like to recommend Misty Higgins for Cue’s Outstanding Teacher. Misty is an enthusiastic, outgoing member of KernCue where she serves on the board of directors, attends meetings, contributes ideas and works to ensure local teachers are prepared to integrate technology into their classroom. She models integration with her own 6th grade classroom and presents at the local CUE and district events. You can always find Misty sharing what she has learned on Social Media sites to inspire other teachers. Her encouraging posts led to her hosting the “new teacher” Twitter Chat. Misty is also a lead teacher in her district helping to provide professional development and classroom examples to other emerging teachers. She presents sessions such as “How to be an Edtech Cliffdiver” where she shows teachers that it is ok to try something new. Teachers leave her sessions inspired and empowered!

Misty has incorporated many types of technology into her 6th grade classroom. Her students use Edmodo and Google Apps daily to collaborate and create projects. Misty continually teaches and reminds her students how to be digital citizens that respect others and cite sources when used. She also uses a plethora of websites that students can access from home or school to practice skills. Misty knows how to advance student achievement by maximizing technology as a formative assessment tool so she knows where each of her students are in their learning and what skills need to be retaught.

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