
Reconstruction Plan Research Paper

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There were many different plans for Reconstruction, the period after the Civil War from 1865-1877. There was President Lincoln's original plan, the Wade-Davis Bill, and Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction. However, none of these plans effectively reconstructed the South.

In December of 1863, Abraham Lincoln proposed the 10 Percent Plan as the first plan for Reconstruction. In the plan, a Confederate state would be readmitted to the Union, with a new government created, once ten percent of the state's voters had declared loyalty to the United States. These people were also required to uphold emancipation. Lincoln said that it would be "a cruel and an astounding breach of faith" for anyone to not abide by the laws of emancipation (qtd. in Goodwin 588). Anyone who took this oath received a full pardon unless they had been a Confederate official. Lincoln also thought that the entire abolition of slavery, not just in Confederate states, should be made by a Constitutional amendment. However, this plan was more of a way to try to diminish the power of the Confederacy during the Civil War than a plan to be enacted after the war was over. It was officially put into motion in some parts of Union-held territory in the South, but it was never truly supported by locals and Congress didn't recognize is it. …show more content…

He had a strong belief in states' rights and let the states make laws mostly on their own, without the federal government. Johnson gave all land that the Union army had taken back to its original owners. He also pardoned everyone except Confederate officials and rich plantation owners, but later he pardoned most of them individually. The only rules he gave the South were that they had to obey the abolition of slavery, take an oath of loyalty to the United States and pay off their debts from the Civil

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