
Recover from Drug Addiction: Process vs. Event

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CHAPTER 6: EVALUATION-ESSAY 5-ROUGH DRAFT RECOVERY FROM DRUG ADDICTION: PROCESS VS. EVENT Picking up the broken pieces of a life filled with insanity and drug abuse, is no overnight task. I’m not just talking of the heroin addict in the 1960s.Recovery from addiction takes constant specialized care. Through intensive work, the addiction can be arrested. The process starts with the person admitting they have a problem. This is the first step to begin to recover. Most importantly, continued involvement with self- help groups is essential. These actions are only a beginning of a life- long journey. Pain medications prescribed by doctors is adding to a problem that already exists. CARES, Council on Addiction …show more content…

The action taken in the 12 steps creates new Attitudes. Whereas the addict obtains the skills and knowledge to become a productive member of society. All these facts can be found in the Basic Text of NA, and are the basis of recovery. The statements in the preceding paragraphs are facts based on experience. There is nothing more powerful than the experience of the predecessors in NA, other than god himself. As one addict helping another is without parallel, we do recover. NA as a whole is guided by a god consciousness .Unity between groups holds the program together. With the 12 Steps, the 12 Traditions at the center. The Traditions are the ties that bind us together, it is only through understanding and application they work. They are the principles that keep our fellowship alive and free. The guidelines written within the Traditions help the members of NA grow spiritually. Addiction is such a cunning enemy of life that we alone have lost the power to do anything about it, without help from each other it would be too much for us. Narcotics Anonymous has websites with information about meetings established in every country worldwide. Getting involved with service within the fellowship will give the addict tools to help stay clean as well as people skills to be productive in society. For many addicts addiction leads into isolation, so as not to be

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