CHAPTER 6: EVALUATION-ESSAY 5-ROUGH DRAFT RECOVERY FROM DRUG ADDICTION: PROCESS VS. EVENT Picking up the broken pieces of a life filled with insanity and drug abuse, is no overnight task. I’m not just talking of the heroin addict in the 1960s.Recovery from addiction takes constant specialized care. Through intensive work, the addiction can be arrested. The process starts with the person admitting they have a problem. This is the first step to begin to recover. Most importantly, continued involvement with self- help groups is essential. These actions are only a beginning of a life- long journey. Pain medications prescribed by doctors is adding to a problem that already exists. CARES, Council on Addiction …show more content…
The action taken in the 12 steps creates new Attitudes. Whereas the addict obtains the skills and knowledge to become a productive member of society. All these facts can be found in the Basic Text of NA, and are the basis of recovery. The statements in the preceding paragraphs are facts based on experience. There is nothing more powerful than the experience of the predecessors in NA, other than god himself. As one addict helping another is without parallel, we do recover. NA as a whole is guided by a god consciousness .Unity between groups holds the program together. With the 12 Steps, the 12 Traditions at the center. The Traditions are the ties that bind us together, it is only through understanding and application they work. They are the principles that keep our fellowship alive and free. The guidelines written within the Traditions help the members of NA grow spiritually. Addiction is such a cunning enemy of life that we alone have lost the power to do anything about it, without help from each other it would be too much for us. Narcotics Anonymous has websites with information about meetings established in every country worldwide. Getting involved with service within the fellowship will give the addict tools to help stay clean as well as people skills to be productive in society. For many addicts addiction leads into isolation, so as not to be
Then there was prayer. I never thought there would be a prayer mostly because of all the different religions. However, everyone seemed to take in what was being delivered spiritually. The members left the meeting full. They were full of encouragement and spiritual nourishment. This support group also helped its members by issuing, those who wanted one, a sponsor. This sponsor would take on the big brother big sister role and aid in the recovering process. They would be on-call and available to assist the member because there are many trigger’s that may result in relapse.
Drug addiction and alcoholism have a devastating effect on not only the addicts who suffers from these illnesses, but also on friends, family and workmates who interact with these addicts on a regular basis. When the addict finally succumbs to their addiction, the only way out is usually through the help of a professional and reputable inpatient addiction treatment center.
As a result of that knowledge the addicted person is in control and can take be in charge of their actions to change the cycle and make a deliberate effort to change.
Addicts can still pursue normal lives. They can clean their apartment and even have a job. For example, some of the psychiatrist’s patients actually worked jobs while addicted to heroin. Sally states that addicts have time to make other choices and do other things. These addicts could seek out treatment or even quit cold turkey. She has evidence of some of her patients quitting completely. So it is possible for addicts to make other valuable decisions and choices to benefit them and lead them to quitting. However, relapse can occur but during the time they are not using the drug they have a choice to do it or to not do it. Internal and external cues also play a role in use of the desired drug. For example, in the external cues if a person sees something or even hears something it could trigger them into reuse of the drug. Another example, in the internal cues if a person feels stressed or bored that can trigger their reuse as well. There are also factor that can cause the patient to not reuse the drug such as going to jail, disappointing their family, or losing a job. Some of her patients came to a point of self examination and that led them to want to fix their current addiction. The small choices like who to spend time with is crucial during the recovery phase because they could cause relapse. The
In the United States, many Americans can argue that we are facing a drug epidemic whether it is alcohol or illicit drugs other than medicinal marijuana. In response to this drug epidemic, organizations were created that are supported by the government and law enforcement in an effort to give addicts a chance to get clean. For example, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotic Anonymous are two organizations that focus on helping people who struggle from alcoholism or any addiction cope with the symptoms of withdrawal in efforts to stay clean with the support of their organization’s community. Although these two organization’s goals are similar, they attack these problems differently beginning with step one out of their twelve step program to help addicts get clean.
At our facility in Levittown, Pennsylvania, we strive to offer first class treatment to all segments of the population. Not only do we create custom programs for young adults, but we also do a great deal of opioid addiction rehab work with members of the LBGTQ community.
The right support can make recovery much easier. No one has to live with the pain of an addiction. If you or a loved one suffers from an addiction, you can lay the foundation for your recovery by going through detox. To find out how detox can help you out, call Serenity House Detox today at
2) Learn coping skills: A client may learn skills that will help them from doing the same thing that contributed to their addiction. They may learn that continuing to attend meetings, meditation, exercising and in some cases medicine may avert them form using drugs again.
Painkillers are prescribed so fluently within doctors offices, hospitals, and other similar facilities. Part of the issue comes from our physicians and those patients who complain about their “pain.” Rarely do physicians say no to a begging patients, but also they rarely take the time to run the necessary test to find the root of the problem. As a beginning solution, educational classes on dealing with and treating chronic pain and how to properly dispose of unused pharmaceuticals like opioids are gaining popularity(Meldrum). With the proper knowledge, people can begin to understand how opioids become so addicting. Along with knowledge about the epidemic comes help for those affected. Treatment centers for those who need it should be implemented at a proper cost and with availability for everyone. Through the Affordable Care Act, treatment coverage has been broadened. This contributes to actual care for addicts rather than punitive measures. Along with treatment options, emotional support to an addict goes a long way. Addicts can return to a life full of bad choices when they feel as if no one cares to see them get better(Newcomer). With proper treatment and precautions, the epidemic can be solved.
Addiction affects 40% of the population in the Western world (Lewis, Marc). There are many different kinds of addictions such as: food, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling or sexual aspects. When
In everyday life people experience difficulties and problems that they feel they are not able to deal with on their own and need help with. The help that people receive to overcome their problems can be in many different forms. People may receive help in an informal way, such as having a chat to a close friend or relative, who can offer support and advice or they may seek help in a more formal capacity from various helping professionals, such as counsellors, social workers, psychiatrists, doctors, etc. For all of these professionals it is their
addict is honesty, willingness, and open-mindedness. Once the group gets through the 12 steps, then
Medical assisted treatment is not nearly as popular as residential treatment, but it is beginning to play a more important role in outpatient recovery. When using medication to aid recovery there are three basic approaches to take: antagonism, substitution, or the use of a drug that is medically incompatible. Antagonism requires total a blockage of the abused drug, while substitution allows the use of another drug to reduce the craving for the abused drug. Giving an addict a drug that is medically incompatible with the abused drug will cause them to become sick any time that they use the abused drug. Crisis clinics are a form of outpatient help, they range from telephone hotlines, to emergency associated clinics, to crash pads. Community mental health
In the past ten years the world population exceeded six billion people with most of the growth occurring in the poorest, least developed countries in the world. The rapidly increasing population and the quickly declining amount of land are relative and the rate at which hunger is increasing rises with each passing year. We cannot afford to continue to expand our world population at such an alarming rate, for already we are suffering the consequences. Hunger has been a problem for our world for thousands of years. But now that we have the technology and knowledge to stamp it out, time is running short.
These treatments could be given on out-patient basis, in-patient basis or on short-term or long-term residential basis. There are variety of professionals are giving service for drug addiction treatment. These professional are physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, rehab counselors, social workers, nurses, etc..