
Recycling Just Makes Sense : The Three R 's Of Sustainability

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Recycling just makes sense. The three R’s of sustainability are Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Ask yourself “Do I really need that?” to help reduce. Stop before throwing items in the trash, look it over and answer the question, “Can I or someone else make use of it in a different way to reuse the items?” I item can be reused by donating? Recycling means something is changed back to its unmade nature, and/or made into something new. You can ask yourself, “Can the materials be made into something new?” The world should work on recycling to reduce landfill buildup and prevent the planet from being covered in waste.
Key words: recycle, reduce, reuse, landfills, waste, jobs

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That will leave the land more useful for other constructive purposes. Recyclables include glass, newspaper, aluminum, cardboard and a surprising array of other materials. Lead, for example, has one of the highest recycling rates because of laws requiring the recycling of lead-acid batteries. Segregating items for recycling from other waste is important. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, recycled lead accounts for almost 90 percent of the lead used in manufacturing today. Reduce by being a wise consumer and determine what products you buy will help not hurt the environment. Reducing means to cut down on how much stuff we use and throw away. Americans make twice as much trash per person than we did 35 year ago, according to the EPA. Consumers should be encouraged to reduce their waste by switching to reusable instead of single-use items. Businesses can adopt manufacturing methods that require fewer resources and generate less waste. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that each American generated 4.3 pounds of waste daily in 2009. Much of this waste can immediately be reused to minimize the strain on the environment and municipal waste management. There are many easy ways to reduce waste, for example, refill a purchased bottle of water with water from home. “Kansas Citians consume approximately 80,000 tons of container glass each year”. (Ripple Glass, LLC, 2013)

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