
Red Eyes Chapter Summary

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When the European settlers arrived on the east coast of North America they believed that the Indians who occupied the land live a primitive life style. The Settlers felt it was up to them to develop this land and create a civilized world. From the time European colonists first arrived in North America and throughout the 1800s it was a constant battle between colonists and Indians over culture, land, and religion. The book “Red Eyes” suggest that natives understood that war would be detrimental to their existence. If they wanted to preserve their way of life they would have to work with the colonist. The integration of lifestyles would have to be implemented. The Indians started to change and adapt by realizing the colonist had an advantage over them. Trading was a great way for the Indians and colonist to avoid confrontation. The colonist only wanted to trade in a way that was familiar to them, so the Indian tribes had to create organizations that the colonist could relate to. They started to create alliances that would be meant specifically for trade. With this, started syncretism, where Indians would adapt to European culture as well as Europeans adapting to Indian culture. In the beginning Indians would integrate with colonials by working for them …show more content…

If that is true why did they make it near impossible to do? The colonists wanted to teach Indians how to do things they already knew how to do such as cultivation and forbade the teaching of essential skills needed to make it in a civilized society such as reading and writing. While the Indians done everything they could to integrate and work with the Colonists they met resistance at every turn. In “Red Eyes” the author tells us Indian tribes attempted to send their own people to congress that would speak on the behalf of the Indians but would be stopped by

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