
Red Sammy Butt

Decent Essays

A sense of imagery is showcased to begin the paragraph by giving a description of “The Tower.” O’Connor says The Tower is made of Stucco and part wood. Stucco, being a plaster mixed with lime and sand, gives the reader an outlook that this probably looks like a building built in the early 1900’s. Now understanding what the building looks like O’Connor gets into who Red Sammy Butts is. Red Sammy Butts, is classified as a fat man who is in charge of The Tower. That description, “fat” immediately puts a picture in the mind of a southern hill-billy type person. He definitely is very passionate about his work as he uses his signs all over the place to get people to come to his Barbeque. With the restaurant being named after himself it’s inferred that Red Sammy had gone through some type of business education in which he learned how to run a business. His pitch on the sign seems very well thought and intriguing. It really makes myself want to see this place in person. …show more content…

Thinking about O’Connor writing this, leaves me to imagine him wanting his readers to go back and actually realize that he used the character of a monkey. It’s obvious to tell in the tone of O’Connor that since the children ran toward the monkey, it is rare for people to have one as a pet. It’s the opposite of a dog in the sense that when people see a dog they don’t chase after it usually they just walk up and pet

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