
Rediscovering Penicillin

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Introduction Video: Hi I'm Jack, I'm Maithu, and I'm Pauline. Today, we are going to talk about the history of antibiotics from past to present and our {...} [elaborate this is a note for Maithu]

Part 1: Alexander Fleming Alexander Fleming was born on August 6th 1881 in East Ayrshire, Scotland. His parents were farmers and he was one of four children. He attended many different schools including Louden Moor School, the Darvel School, Kilmarnock Academy, and the Regent Street Polytechnic. Fleming entered the medical field in 1901. He studied at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School at the University of London and finished school as the top medical student of his graduating class. During World War I, Fleming served as a physician [elaborate for Maithu].

Part 2: Discovering Penicillin One September in 1928, Fleming returned to his laboratory and noticed a culture of Staphylococcus aureus contaminated with mold. He saw that the colonies of bacteria surrounding this mold had been destroyed. What he had just …show more content…

This opened a gateway to a new antibiotic era. Scientists began creating new drugs for different diseases. Without Fleming, this new era might not have ever happened. However, there are problems that come with this newfound discovery. With the drugs used so often, some scientists would think could happen. Since the medicine is being used so often, the bacteria mutated and became immune to some of the drugs back then. For example, Selman Watsman developed an antibiotic, called streptomycin, which cured tuberculosis. Scientists thought that tuberculosis would never kill another person ever again. But to their surprise and horror, the number of tuberculosis victims increased in the 1800's. This happened because the bacteria became immune to the antibiotics used on them. Luckily, Penicillin hasn't become immune, and won't be for a long

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