
Reducing Crime And Enhancing The Quality Of Life Through An Active Partnership With Our Community Essay

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DeKalb Illinois is a quaint college town that spans about 15 square miles and has a population of about 44,000 residents. The DeKalb police department is home to the officers and equipment in charge of keeping this town safe. According to their 2015 Crime Report the city of DeKalb can be described as a moderate crime area. The men and women of this department serve to keep DeKalb safe with daily patrols, security at mass town events, and close collaboration with NIU, among other things. This department has both a mission statement and a vision statement. Their mission statement, which is displayed proudly on the wall as you enter the building, states the following, “The members of the DeKalb Police Department are committed to reducing crime and enhancing the quality of life through an active partnership with our community”. Their vision statement goes as follows, “A city where our families, businesses, and culture prosper in an environment in which all people are treated with dignity, equity, and respect”. After my tour, and meeting many of the wonderful people who work for the department, I can say that I believe these statements to be a true representation of the goals for this department. The DeKalb police department is broken up into 4 main divisions. The first of which is the administrative division. This division includes the Office of the Chief, whom I unfortunately did not get to meet on my tour of the facility. This division has several subdivisions such as crime

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