Homelessness is a major problem in the United States, and none of the candidates are willing to acknowledge the problem. It could get the candidate an opportunity to gain a lot of voters who are strong advocates for this problem, a few candidates have talked about the distribution of wealth and the need to grow the middle class, but the progress on lowering the poverty level, and the amount of homeless on the streets have been little to non-existent
The problem of poverty has been visible in the U.S, costing the Government a large amount of debt. Aside from the 2016 Presidential elections, the advocation for reducing homelessness in major U.S cities has been quiet. Approximately In January 2015, 564,708 people were homeless on a given night
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Why would a candidate propose a solution to homelessness when those stated from the “votes matter” groups are targeting the homelessness are being accused of themselves into their own dilemma? Homelessness is not a win-lose situation, a solution of raising awareness and diminishing homelessness could help those out in need that’s how the poverty level will lower; wouldn’t you want that to gain the votes from those who are in working class? You can do that by creating and acting on a solution to help the homelessness. There is also a large class of the working, and upper class who feel the government is too much of a backbone to those who are homeless. It’s a sad reality that the four-year, or longer is based on an 11-month campaign. It’s an unwritten law to make end meet on both sides of the clock. It’s going to make a vast amount of people who were rooting for the future president dislike him/ or …show more content…
Homelessness needs to be issued nationwide, by a national leader who can put this problem into perspective to speak to the people of America. Homelessness is a major problem in the United States, and none of the candidates are willing to acknowledge the problem. It’s necessary we finally put the problem into action and have a national leader who is willing to take the opportunity and risks to provide everyone in America with a stable way of
Homelessness is an issue in American society today that affects anywhere from 800,000 to 3.5 million people. There are a substantial amount of people that are without shelter, food, or employment, and there are numerous other people affected by poverty and homelessness. People living in nearly every city in the United States are affected by homelessness due to the large amounts of homeless individuals living on the streets and begging for money, food, and other necessities. The issue of homelessness has been a constant problem since the conquering of the New World, and soup kitchens and homeless shelters have not been able to fully end homelessness. Especially today, with a lack of affordable housing and high unemployment rates, homelessness is prevalent.
Homelessness in America has gone un-noticed for so long. For America to be the “land of opportunity” there is a large amount of people who have been deprived of what they were promised. There is so much this country offers, but at the same time there are so many qualifications. Not everyone can meet these standards that are sometimes required. This results in homelessness and poverty. Homelessness has become a hidden aspect in life. The government wants people to continue seeing America’s beauty. In order for that to be successful they would have to get rid of the flaws.
The homeless population, in addition to having no stable home, faces a range of challenges in both their health and social situations. These issues include substance abuse, mental health disorders, criminal records, and extended periods of unemployment. Despite the state providing funding for housing, particularly with House Bill 436 of 2016, these issues will certainly impede the ability of these people to maintain stable housing.
The issue of chronic homelessness is not just a political or academic debate but has become evident from men and women living without homes in the streets of America. Homeless men and women
Homelessness is a national epidemic that affects much of our society. “In Texas, there were 29,615 persons homeless in 2013, meaning that approximately 12 out of every 10,000 persons in Texas are homeless” (Homelessness 101). Homelessness is a problem that is everywhere and unseen by many. There are many community outreach programs, religious organizations, including government agencies that aid in the welfare of homeless. Why is it that homelessness still remains a unsolved
Homelessness has become an evolving epidemic of our time, and the health implications associated with being homeless makes it that much worse. Homeless people are at major risk for premature death and a wide range of health problems such as HIV, skin blemishes, and much more. It is very difficult for homeless people to fix their health issues due to the difficulty of accessing health care possibly because of missing health cards, or simply because of the stigma placed on them when they enter a public facility. Whatever the problem may be that is forcing more people to become homeless, it must be solved, and quickly before our world turns into a travesty.
People drive or walk past a homeless person almost every day without thinking twice about the plight of that person or they may even unconsciously turn their heads the other way in disgust. Homelessness simply put, means without a home - therefore homelessness is an equal opportunity state that can happen to anyone. Even though we have seen some economic prosperity over the years, statistics show that the number of homeless remains very high. With this in mind, communities need to come together at the state, city, and individual level to come up with solutions to mitigate the spreading of this problem.
Homelessness is an aspect of society, which most people chose not to acknowledge. With the increasing amount of issues the United States faces, homelessness tends to be forgotten when the time comes for the government to establish what issues they should assist. Due to the substantial amount of issues the government concerns itself with, homelessness does not receive the necessary attention required and is improperly handled. In today’s society poverty-stricken individuals or families is too much of a common occurrence to be treated as lightly as it is. Additional government intervention is necessary in order to supply the needed resources, which can prevent the further spread of homelessness. The United States government is obligated to protect its citizens and should care about the constant growth of homelessness. Through economic policies and community advertisements, the government can control the issue of individuals who are facing poverty.
The United States face many issues. The economy is suffering, job market is declining and unemployment is on the rise. As a result of these factors, homeless has been an issue for many years. Every city and city leaders try to come up with a solution to the problem. A lot of politicians use this issue as a platform in their campaign On June 2nd, 1998, Mayor Paul Schell spoke to the press about the needs of homeless families, women and children. He asked for the City Council’s support in providing “immediate emergency
In order to combat homelessness and restore the people of the united states to their fullest capabilities, the government has to take the initiative to provide more funding for the homeless. This includes providing shelters for the homeless, while also building jobs for the unemployed ,and raising awareness to all that homelessness is a problem that needs to be addressed.
The United States of America is known for having a foreign policy that is willing to provide assistance to nations that are in crisis, while at the same time ignoring many of the same problems domestically. Whether this perspective is fair or unfair is debatable. However, what’s not debatable is that homelessness in the United States of America is a domestic social problem that is at an epidemic level. Statistical data quantifies the concern from the city of Los Angeles, where the recently re-elected Mayor Eric Garcetti is the political leader; the state of California, where Governor Edmond Gerald “Jerry” Brown is the political lead; and on the national level, President Donald Trump is the elected official. Consequently, the city of Los
Homelessness will always be a very hard battle to fight. Prior to 2008, things were looking good for homeless advocates. In 2005 to 2007, the number of the chronically homeless dropped about 30 percent (Fagan 1). This shows improvement in the prevention of homelessness, along with the assistance to get people out of homelessness. Although this does show improvement, this report was conducted prior to the economic down fall of the U.S. economy in 2008, which completely changed these statistics.
Imagine this, a family of four is trying to survive the night. They are lying on the ground in bitter temperatures with only a cardboard box and a blanket to shield themselves from the harsh nights that they are forced to endure. Men, women, and children wait for morning when the doors of the food shelter will finally open, providing many with their meal of the day. This is the setting for hundreds of families in the Phoenix area. It can happen to anyone, anytime. Sometimes it’s a result of circumstances beyond our control- job loss, eviction, domestic violence, mental illness, medical bills. Homelessness is a growing problem and I have a proposition to stop it. We must give homeless people permanent housing with no strings attached.
One of the problems at hand that not only us, in the United States have but, all around the world in different countries have, is homeless people.
Homelessness has always been a problem in major cities across the United States and even the world. This problem also affects out local community and even all of us individually. (Daily) A majority of the American people lives paycheck to paycheck, and according to statistics, we are only one or two paychecks away from becoming homeless. While there are many reasons a person or family can become homeless, a majority of those problems come from a lack of income. The job market of today is quickly dwindling and shows no signs of improvement. This market mixed with new government policies is becoming an issue for struggling American’s on the poverty line. Homelessness is becoming a vast problem