
Prison Rehabilitation Essay

Decent Essays

All offenders in a correctional facility, except those who have been sentenced to life or those who are sentenced to death, will be released for reentry back into society at some point in time. The national average for recidivism is 44% (Wysochanski, 2014). To lessen the number of people reoffending and returning to prison facilities must concentrate on preparing those about to be released for reentry into the community (Carlson & Garrett, 2008). Several programs have shown success through various means in reducing recidivism. These programs include education, job training, half-way houses, and others to prepare an inmate to become a productive member of the community on release. Prison and jails must institute programs to give inmates …show more content…

The reforms included meeting with inmates before their release to formulate a plan that addresses housing, employment and mental health and substance abuse treatment after release (NRRC, 2014). By ensuring that an inmate has a job and housing on release eases the transition back into the community. Other states have also been able to reduce their recidivism rates by a variety of programs. One thing that all the program share is preparing an inmate before release. Ohio has reduced its rate to under 22% by using several strategies ranging from providing job training to assisting inmates in getting a driver’s license (Wysochanski, 2014).
The correctional system has a duty not only to house inmates, but to also prepare them to successfully reenter society on their release. When inmates are released without any preparation for their return to society, they will face problems in obtaining employment and housing (Wysochanski, 2014). One of the major reasons for recidivism is a lack of legitimate opportunities on release from prison. Harer (1994) found that inmates who were released with employment arranged before their release recidivated 53% less that those who were released with no

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