
Reducing Uncertainty In Nursing

Decent Essays

Young patients and their families who are diagnosed with childhood cancer have a very difficult time coping with the situation at hand. Due to the overwhelming feeling of uncertainty it is pivotal that all health care members are involved in the promotion of quality of life in the hospital settings and in their home. Nurses especially are given the opportunity with each interaction to help a patient and their families find ways to cope with their diagnosis. The purpose of this article is to discuss how uncertainty decreases coping mechanisms and what interventions are implemented to effectively cope and adapt to their diagnosis.

Reducing Uncertainty in Families with Childhood Cancer From the initial visit to their child’s …show more content…

According to the article by Gunter and Duke (2018), uncertainty is defined as “a state when a stressful event cannot be organized due to lack of information and knowledge (Mishel, 1988). Due to the lack of knowledge families are now left questioning the outcomes. The goal is to provide interventions that are aimed at reducing increased level of uncertainty which will in turn help families progress psychologically while being treated. In order for us as nurses to help, it is pivotal we understand the contributing factors to the uncertainty. Cohen’s studies showed uncertainty can be acute and most consistent immediately after diagnosis or when there is a quick or unexpected change in a child’s prognosis (Cohen, 1995). Trust is built with consistency. The first intervention in providing care is building a trustworthy bond between the patient and their loved ones. Families must be able to trust that the care team in charge will provide the utmost care needed. By consistently educating to increase their knowledge on the issue, focusing on the patients coping behaviors, and helping them adapt to their new life of caring for a sick child will cause significant decrease in uncertainty levels. The only way to do this effectively is to try to appreciate and understand the illness from the patient’s perspective (Brunner & Suddarth’s p.380). The overall study done resulted in three major concepts. It discussed uncertainty, stress, …show more content…

They experience many symptoms related to uncertainty but, once a plan is discussed with the health care provider and treatment is started the symptoms are reduced. A collaborative effort with all members of the health care team is vital when communicating with the families. Nurses especially play an important role in making it easier for other professional to understand the patient’s values and preferences, family dynamics related to decision making, and response to treatment (Brunner & Suddarth’s p.384). The recommendation/intervention needed to avoid stress and uncertainty after diagnosis per the article is for care to be provided by the same nurses as often as possible to develop a trusting relationship with the

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