
Reduction The Effect Of Mobility On Link Transmitting Using Efficient Dsr Route Cache For Manets

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Reduction the Effect of Mobility in Link Transmitting Using Efficient DSR Route Cache for MANETs
Authors: Ayoob A. Ayoob, Norrozila Sulaiman, Muamer N. Mohammed
Title: Reduction the Effect of Mobility in Link Transmitting Using Efficient DSR Route Cache for MANETs
Journal: Journal of Advances in Computer Networks,
Volume, Issue No. Page No.: Vol. 2, No. 4, Pg. No. 254-260.
Month, Year: December 2014
The approach of route cache in DSR protocol is used to stock a route that is learned from the source node and to avoid needless route discovery operation in each time the data packet is to be transmitted. It is needs to start again the route discovery mechanism in reactive on demand routing protocols, as it is very costly in …show more content…

The route cache may be containing the stale routes which can affect for the performance of DSR protocol. The stale routes in the route cache of DSR protocol may take several adverse effects such as long delay, packet loss. Route cache can be divided to the three different strategies cache structure, cache capacity and cache timeout.
The DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) routing protocol dependent on the cache memory for every node to store the routing path from source to destination. It is a new algorithm using DSR routing cache technique to improve the routing between mobile nodes to reduction the effect of mobility in link transmitting that can solve link broken problem.
[W. Lou and Y. Fang 2002] proposed that the stale route in the cache of the DSR can be removed by the Adaptive link cache procedure and then compare it with the path of cache structure. [B. Y. He, 2002] proposed “Active Packet" to resolve the problem of stale route in cache route in DSR protocol. It depends on the link cache structure, which the active packet travels around the network, and gathers routing information that has found by network topology. [J. Chen 2010] proposed Tiding Active Packets (TAP) to improve the active packet method. [A. K. Dwivedi 2009] describe the comparison of the Active Packet and Route Error RERR flooding of TAP

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