
Reentry Shock Paper

Decent Essays

I chose to write about reentry shock from chapter three, collective memory from chapter four, and transnational relationships from chapter five that are the most important to my personal growth. With this in mind, when I was sixteen years old I visited my home in Greece where most of my family resides. Furthermore, my stay in Greece was all Summer, lasting about three months long. Equally important, I would like to make known that in the Greek culture families are considered a main priority, so I managed to maintain a transnational relationship (a sustained social interaction between two or more parties who live in different countries) with my family through social media. For example, I converse with both my American family and my Greek family on Facebook through instant messenger and by sharing photos. Also, we can interact on a more personal level through apps such as SnapChat, where we can exchange videos. In like manner, I prefer apps like Snapchat because it creates more …show more content…

When I visited Greece, I did not experience so much of a culture shock because I lived with natural born Greeks, so their attitudes and experiences became my norms. However, after returning home I found myself following reverse ethnocentrism with the way Americans ate, even the cold weather had me wishing that Pennsylvania was more like Greece. Additionally, in Greece meals were considered a sacred time with family, so food was cooked from scratch and typically took hours to make. While, Americans typically opted out for fast food, and dinners alone in front of the television which caused me to feel disappointed and sad. With all this in mind, I feel that the reentry shock experience helped me personally grow as an individual because I was able to appreciate the two cultures as different units that should never be

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