
Referential Lorrie Moore

Decent Essays

Referential” is a short story in which Lorrie Moore, the author, captures the feelings of despair while attempting to cope with a loved one who is suffering from a mental illness. The mother experiences the hopelessness that comes with trying to balance life with a mentally ill sixteen-year-old son, while trying to salvage a relationship that is irreconcilable. The narrative voice was a well thought out choice that led to an effective story with such well-established characters and theme. The lack of satisfaction the mother experiences, despite all of her efforts, and the complex web of emotional pain within the characters that is so well communicated, may be a reflection of the narration. This short story is exclusively written in third person, which appears to be an advantage for what the author is trying to portray. Third person point of view has the ability to expose emotions for multiple characters. Third person seems to be beneficial for the author when it comes to the characterization. The son was a disturbed, depressed teenager, who desperately wanted a relationship with Pete. He clearly demonstrated this by being resentful when Pete did not come to visit, and asking “Do …show more content…

It seems that the stories main focus is on the couple, and the depression they both contain, yet will not reveal. The mother is described as a kind and selfless widow, who puts all her efforts into caring for her son. As a result of everything going on in her life, she lost her ambition and motivation to get herself ready. The mother felt that kind of effort was “ludicrous”, and “went out into the world like an Amish women” (chapter 2). Despite her attempts to obtain normalcy and bring her son back home, her efforts failed and she was left unfulfilled. Altogether, the third person narrative gives a wider perspective, and all of the characters thoughts and feelings are being

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