Task A
For reflective practice I would like you to explain your job role and responsibilities (you may have a copy of this with your contract), knowledge skills and understanding and then identify the standards that influence the way your role is carried out. i.e codes of practice, national occupational standards, policies and procedures.
Please then assess your knowledge, skills and understanding of the standards, considering areas for personal development.
Then I would like you to describe how you ensure personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct your quality of work.
Task B
Reflecting on practice is an important role within early years.
Explain why reflecting on practice and work activities are important in order to
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Children deserve the best possible for their well-being and development. When parents leave their children with us in the nursery I am entrusted with the care of these children and it’s important that I give the best alternative care possible and that standards are maintained to ensure the safe and well-being of the child.
Taking care of children may include personal hygiene, safety, and other medical or physical needs.
I always have to act in the best interest of the children and their needs. I have the duty of care towards myself, the children and my colleagues.
As a nursery assistant I should:
Keep my knowledge and skills up to date.
To keep any records I make as accurate as possible.
To know what must be done to make my job as safe as possible.
If I have any concerns about the children’s needs, I would need to make these concerns known.
To get additional support and advice from colleagues about how to resolve dilemmas.
To report any child’s concerns, taking into consideration his/her feelings and making sure that issues are deal effectively and promptly.
Task B
Despite an appreciation of a nursery assistant/ teacher assistant of the potential value of reflective practice, many new teachers assistants choose not to reflect on their practice constructively and critically, preferring to fall back on pre-conceived understandings of how they and the children should conduct themselves in the
Health and safety of the children is so important and should not be put at risk at any time. Any area out of my control that I cannot actually sort myself is reported immediately to be dealt with.
My job role includes ensuring the happiness, wellbeing and safety of all the children I work with and to make sure that I help, together as a team with the other practioners that I work with to provide a stimulating environment where the children can learn and thrive from.
An integral part of all of my roles is the welfare of the children. Building secure relationships with them and being aware of any issues which may arise. If I have concerns for a child’s well being, the actions I would take include; relaying concerns to the class teacher, learning mentor, SENCO,
In my child care setting, I work hard to provide all children with a safe and healthy learning environment. I research and follow strict standards available from the state related to preventing and reducing injury and illness, helping children feel safe, following sound nutrition and fitness practices, and creating an enriching learning environment.
It is important to ensure children and young people are protected from harm within the setting, as the parents are leaving their children in your care with the expectation that they can trust you and your colleagues to keep their children from harm. It is difficult for parents to leave their children in an education or care setting and then go to work; they need to be confident that their children will be in safe supportive hands with people that will help them develop.
Communication is very important, not only with the child/ young person but also their parents/ careers. Parents and careers need to be kept updated with everything that happens with their child/children and information that they need to know about the nursery itself. The stronger the relationship between the practioners and the parent/ career the stronger the trust the parents/ careers have with their child/ children in your care.
Support is offered to children to enable them to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being.
Whilst having a duty of care it is important to find the right balance between children’s rights and parent’s/carer’s responsibilities. Sometimes children’s rights may outweigh the risk. As a childminder I am there to support all children on their journey of learning and experience.
To listen to children/young people and offer support, information and advice in response to their needs.
In order to ensure the safety of the children and young people in our care there are a number of policies, procedures and practices that must be adhered to.
The sooner any issues or concerns are raised the sooner the child or young person can be monitored and help or assistance given.
Explain the roles and responsibilities of two members of the children’s workforce in relation to looked after children and young people.
It emphasises the important principles to be followed when working with children and young people: settings must provide a safe and secure environment, if any children are identified as suffering from abuse or likely to suffer the appropriate action must be taken.
This means keeping children safe from accidents (i.e. road safety), crime and bullying and actively promoting their well-being in a healthy, safe and supportive environment. It also encompasses issues such as pupil health and safety and bullying, about which there are specific statutory requirements, and a range of other issues, for example, arrangements for meeting the medical needs of children with medical conditions, providing first aid, school security, drugs and substance misuse.
3. Demonstrate supportive and realistic responses to children and young people’s questions, ideas, suggestions and concerns.