
Reflection About Suffering

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Christians know other Christians are prone to suffering. Non-Christians I have spoken to believe that Christians have a happy life. Non-believers believe we do not endure suffering simply because in their reality, God is personified as a genie; Christians can simply pray for what they desire in life; examples including money, power, wealth, and the Lord will grant those desires immediately. However, Christians know suffering is inevitable. From a theological standpoint, suffering is defined as: “the experience of physical pain and mental distress.”(“suffering”) If individuals were to evaluate suffering from a Christian perspective, we must realize categories that come with suffering. First, suffering is the consequence of the flawed nature of creation. Second, suffering is the direct consequence of one’s violation of God’s laws. Third, suffering can be good for our faith, and finally suffering is embedded in truth, Christianity, and within the church. Historical Development
Before looking at the categories which formulate suffering, I would like to look at Christian authors who agreed with my categories of suffering and who also sparked my inspiration for evaluating suffering from a believer’s viewpoint.
The first author is John Bunyan. His book, The Pilgrim's Progress tells the story of Christian, a pilgrim who journeys from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. The City of Destruction emulates the world; Celestial City heaven. Christian was

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