
Reflection Essay

Decent Essays

For as long as I could remember I never understood how to comprehend shakespeare, or old English poetry such as epics. My first time being introduced to this type of writing was 9th grade where she had us read Romeo and Juliet . At first, I was excited because I had always heard great things about the book and movie. However, I had no idea it was written in a different context. I was introduced to different words and phrases I never heard of . It had reminded me a lot of the bible, how you actually had to put things into perspective yourself because the message would never be as clear. It’s almost like critical thinking, but even knowing that trick I still would have no idea what I was reading or what the message was. We often would …show more content…

Again just like my freshman year my teacher would ask for summaries on what we read. From time to time she would help me because she seen the way i would drift focus from reading the book. I often did this because I didn't know what was going on and i felt that this type of literature was boring. But how could it be boring if millions of people said he was one of the greatest writers in the english language. Of course that was just an opinion but if so many people had agreed it had to be somewhat true. I recall getting into a argument with my teacher because she told me I was unappreciative of true literature. I had never felt more embarrassed in my life I felt like the only person who didn't appreciate or love this kind of writing style. I was assigned to write a paper on why I didn't find the book interesting and what I could do to improve my reading skills. I had no idea why she thought just because she assigned me a paper to write about how I could be a better reader on old english literature if i couldn't even answer simple question like a summary of what I just read. Google was my best friend at the time and I had looked up ways to improve my reading and wrote an entire paper on it. Unfortunately none of the things I had looked up helped me in any way, I naturally didn't understand it. I tried all sorts of exercises and practices; i honestly wanted to get better at it but i was failing terribly. Finally I had spoken to

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