
Reflection Of A Client Analysis

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Introduction The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast my interactions between the clients’ I used in my process recording. I used two different people for these recordings because we usually only see each court-mandated client once at the City of Tempe which is for the DUI (Driving Under the Influence) screening and/or ASI (assessment/screening and intake), which determines how many hours of education and/or training needs to be completed by the client to satisfy the court. Clients The client in my first process recording was a 31 year old female who decided to go out with her friends one night to …show more content…

I am very confident in doing these; I do them alone every time (with no supervision). With the ASI’s, I feel, because there is so much to go over, and so much extra time to do them, that I can step outside of the box, use some critical thinking by asking other questions besides the ones that are in the ASI. With this client, like I had mentioned in my process recording, I was more animated, I used story-telling to create a visual aid for the client. I was confident even though the topic of suicide made me uneasy because I was not sure what I was going to do from one minute to the next. I remember I kept thinking that if I don’t give him the best of me, then I can’t provide him the best care possible and he is relying on me to do this, so I had to pull it together and make it …show more content…

When he began discussing suicidal ideations, I felt like I might be out of my scope of practice. I knew my supervisor wouldn’t be back for a week, and her supervisor was out for the day. I knew I had no one to turn to, and had to do this myself. When I didn’t know what to do about something he said, I would ask another question, or back track, or clarify. I would do anything I could to stall in a professional manner until I could figure out what to do. Then I thought about you and CBT, so I thought I would give that a try, if nothing else, I could explain it. All of a sudden the problem saturated story came into my head (which was killing time, but creating a visual aid). That had to be my most challenging client so far. I had never dealt with ex-communication, shunning, Jehovah’s Witnesses, or suicidal ideation all in the same session before. Talk about overwhelming!!!! Contributing

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