
Reflection Of A Discourse Community

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Growing up I didn’t socialize with people so it was hard for me to join a discourse community. But we I was around the age of fifteen I joined the basketball team, and ever since then it became my discourse community. In this paper, I’m going to explain how the team was a discourse community to me. And what roles we did to become a discourse community. Many people say basketball is all about winning games. But its more than that, I’ve learned many concepts in the game of basketball I’m going demonstrate what made my basketball team a discourse community.
What is a discourse community? What do John Swales mean by a discourse community? And what are the six steps in a discourse community? “A discourse community is a group of people that’s trying to reach their goals, and everyone has different functions. These public goals may be formally described as concepts that play a part in a discourse community” (Swales220). Discourse community have six steps. And these steps are “goals or purpose the group want”, “has mechanism of intercommunication among its members”, “uses it participatory mechanisms to provide information and feedback,” “utilizes and hence possesses one or more genres in the communicative furtherance of its aims,” “acquired some specific lexis”. “level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise” (220-222). By having these six steps it provides all of the concepts in a discourse community. These six steps are like the

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