Report and reflection of the book “The righteous mind”
Jonathan Haidt while studying at the college put a goal to research human morality, its origin and development. His book "the Righteous mind" explores the morality and how it affects relationships between people? Is the moral in the genes, and occurs through education? The book examines the different conceptions of morality. Haidt mentions the theories of contemporary experts on ethics which demonstrate that young people can easily find justification for the actions that have recently all been condemned. In this paper, one can find the analysis and report on the book as well as reflection to one of the Haidt’s metaphor and how it applies in the life of mine.
While studying in graduate
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In his research Haidt asked provocative questions in different social groups: students, workers, employees and so on. He brought some wild story and asked to evaluate it from the point of view of morality. For example, a pet dog, almost a family member, was hit by a car. The owner is mourned, but then he remembered that he has never eaten dog meat. Instead of having to bury the dog, he ate it. The woman was going to do a General cleaning and was looking for rags for cleaning. Then she found the old American flag. She tore it to rags and washed them down the toilet. Mark and Julie are brother and sister. Once they're alone in a secluded place and decided to have sex. They were both adults free, when they were contraceptives. They decided that it would be closer to each other. The experience was successful.When Haidt asked people if the these actions of people were okay. To the question, why not eat a dead dog, the group of students gave answers like "meat can be harmful or dirty." You cannot wash the toilet with scraps of the flag, because they can clog the drain if you accidentally get there. You can't commit incest, because it can be born sick children — after all, no contraceptive does not give an absolute guarantee. All these rational explanations do not stand up to
In our daily life we hope that there is an innermost balance of morality, evidently determining how we act and react to various situations. However, it is not always clear what that reasoning is, if the sense of morality in each of us is actually a social inventive to do the right
In The Moral Instinct, Steven Pinker cites Haidt’s “primary colors” of the moral sense (329). Pinker believes that all moral decisions can be categorized with these primary colors and, though everyone can see these colors, they are prioritized differently by different people. Haidt identifies five primaries—harm, fairness, community, authority, and purity—all of which make up the moral spectrum. These recurring moral themes can be found everywhere from cultural norms to the decisions and beliefs of individuals. Though the themes can be identified in works regarding ethics and morality, they—if applied correctly—can also give insight into the way the author prioritizes the moral colors.
In her book, An Unquiet Mind, Kay Jamison instills an understanding of bipolar disorder from two opposing perspectives. Initially, Jameson tells a tale of herself as a long-term victim of bipolar. It is from her description that a reader is highlighted about the various avenues through which the condition attacks. Besides exploring the disorder as the victim, the book as well depicts Jamison as the healed. That is, she gives an account of her life as an individual who survived the grips of bipolar disorder and became a healer (psychotherapist and a lecturer) instead. Reflecting on Jamison’s work An Unquiet Mind automatically triggers the desire of the reader to unearth more about the author, her context, and diagnosis of the bipolar disorder.
There has been many theories and debates throughout history over the meaning of morality. What makes something bad or good? Is it the same principle for everyone? Thomas Nagel tackles these questions in his article titled “The Objective Basis of Morality” while also giving his definition of morality and all its exclusions. He accomplishes this by using real world scenarios such as taking a book out from the library as his examples of the complex nature of morality.
This paper explores the things that have influenced my moral worldview. It includes insight on what I consider when making decisions. I discuss who and what I look too when deciding my morals and what I consider to be right and wrong.
These individuals are known to be experts of morality. The chapter proposes two reasons as to why these individuals are called upon so frequently. One, for those who believe and have some sort of religious back round, and second, for those who believe in what is called a “scientific view” of the world. This chapter presents the idea that there is some popular belief that religion and morality go hand in hand and that in order to understand morality, you must understand religion. It is explained that when we view morality from a religious perspective, we give meaning to morality in a way that a “good man” made this world that we currently live in and that we are his children. While the book proposes the question that people who believe in God, or a higher power, base their values on what those religions state is right or wrong, whereas for an atheist the question still remains; how do these individuals weigh their moral compass and place their values?
The book Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity second edition by David Entwistle introduces the text by explaining how psychology can go in a direction, and Christian theology approach can lead in a different direction. He continued by stating the need for understanding and studying human behavior because people come from different walks of life and different expectations. It leads us to form unique perspectives to help give us an understanding of the individuals you encounter. The Entwistle 's book addresses the relationship between Christianity and culture, Christianity and science, and Christianity and psychology.
One is the ancient system, a system that developed before humans could speak. This system drives our emotions. It is with this system that humans received their instinctual reactions to specific situations; it is these sorts of "gut reactions" that enabled human survival in ancient times. The other is a modern system, a system that initiated when language was invented. This system, he explains, is more associated with our ability to reason and judge. This system allows us to question our instinctual reactions and determine some explanation as to why we feel a particular way. However, he feels that these two complex systems are subconsciously active within the individual; he does not believe that people are aware of these concepts affecting their morality. These two systems are the key or answer to why moral dumbfounding occurs. It occurs when the two systems conflictwhen reasoning cannot explain your initial reaction. Furthermore, Haidt believes that emotions are linked more to one's subconscious, while reasoning is linked to one's consciousness. He believes most philosophy focuses too much on the conscious while underestimating the power of the subconscious. In regards to his experiment testing one's disgust for eating one's pet, he believes this disgust originated in ancient times when people first began to eat meat. When beginning this tradition, people had to
The second level of moral development is the conventional moral reasoning; “Beginning in middle school, up to middle age – most people end up here” (“Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development.”). At this level,
When we are young our morality is shaped as we learn from our family and the environment. “Psychologists say a child must develop a sense of values by the age of seven to become an adult with a conscience” (Rosenstand 4). Children experience a plethora of information and subsequently build their personalities based on what they learn from growing up in their given culture. We are a product of our environment in the sense that we
The complexity of this area and the concepts involved necessitates a rather expansive look at the perspectives on Moral Development in order to develop contextual
As time goes by, ethical and moral issues have been brought up for long periods of time and these issues are recently becoming the rising problem to be discussed in society, business area and daily life. Most of people generally understand that the general meaning of ethics equals to the meaning of moral. However, moral is basically a matter of individual conscience without forcibleness, but ethics are related to social system with forcibleness. The academic definition of ethics is described as a stem of philosophy which raises moral questions and is demonstrated what is the main characteristic of morality and the way in which moral standards are decided (Gray & Webb, 2010).
There are a variety of different ethical systems that have developed of the course of millennia. However, even though the subject has been covered so thoroughly, it is still heavily debated. The varieties of ethical systems that are in existence look at various ethical problems from different perspectives and can be applied differently in different circumstances. Because of the subjective aspects to applying ethics, they can be as much an art as they are a science. Ethics are something that must be practiced and really cannot be perfected. In this way, studying ethics is a continual process that does not really stop. This paper will argue that ethics are the most important subject that an individual can pursue.
Morality refers to the concept of proper human action in terms of "right and wrong," also referred to as "good and evil. According to Hobbes (1994:11), morality is simply a declaration of rules and beliefs that are considered absolute guides for human behaviour. According to Hare (1981:27), “Morality is a system of principles and judgments based on cultural, religious, and philosophical concepts and beliefs, by which humans determine whether given actions, are right or wrong.” Moral values and graciousness, in the past, were prominent in most teenagers. Every individual has capacity for growth. But a seed cannot grow without nurturing. And farmers don’t get to neglect their crops. So moral values has to be inculcated from infancy. Many years
Throughout the bible, and reading it once more by Marcus Borg, a common idea as it relates to a religious experience, is that the Bible is a human product. Throughout chapter two, Borg continuously describes the Bible as being a product of humans. He explains on page 22 that he sees scripture through the lens of the Bible being a human product, meaning that it is the “product of two ancient communities” (22). He believed that what the Bible explains things to be are words from the communities of ancient Israel and the early Christian movement. “We cannot talk about God (or anything else) except with the words, symbols, stories, concepts, and categories known to us, for they are the only language we have”, made me think about the idea that