
Reflection On Chains On Chocolate

Decent Essays

Reflection on Chains on Chocolate On Saturday, January 20, I went to Shanley Hall to watch Chains on Chocolate, a play written by Northwestern Communication junior Elliot Sagay and performed by the students of Vertigo Productions. This was actually the first production I've ever attended at Northwestern, and the first time I've been in Shanley Hall. It was 10 pm and I was drowsy after a day's activities, but Shanley's cozy interiors were welcoming and I was able to make myself at home in the unfamiliar yet strikingly intimate theater. The black box-style stage created an atmosphere fittingly unadorned for the actors to emphasize their expressions and lines. The show began with an introduction by Kori Alston, a member of Vertigo Productions. He thanked everyone for coming, and acknowledged the great work developed by his close friends for the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration, including Chains on Chocolate, Lift Ev'ry Voice, and Inside Chicago. This annual commemoration plays an important part in recognizing the voices of black students and the greater black community of Chicago, and productions like Chains on Chocolate are great examples of performances promoting awareness of the efforts of revolutionaries like Martin Luther King, Jr. and acknowledging the work left to be done by …show more content…

A white student actor's character is the slave master, frustrated with the slave's inability to speak English. Treating him like a savage animal, the slave master yells at the slave, who is chained, threatened, and scared. The slave master claims that by teaching him some English phrases (like "I am happy to be here") and how to smile like a white man, he increased the "worth" of the slave and could make a pretty penny off of him. Pleased with his "progress", the slave master orders the slave back into the "booth", which is the subway

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