Nursing: Portfolio Assignment
Task 1: Reflection on your learning skills development during this semester Nurse education comprises of practical and theoretical training offered to student with the aim of preparing them for their roles as nursing professionals. This semester has broadened my learning skills, approaches and strategies. My expectations was to develop effective communication skills needed in the nursing profession besides effective learning strategies and approaches that will aid in the completion of my nursing program. I believe that my expectations have been attained because I have developed productive communication and learning skills that will help me succeed as a student in higher education and as professional nurse. The learning styles and practices, academic and communication practices have helped me develop competency in my education and it is my expectation these activities will help in my practice. Initially, I thought the course was taxing, but I came to realise that with determination and interest, the course is as simple as the previous one. Apparently, the course has helped me to develop improved professional attributes. I must admit that the activities involved in the course have been resourceful and developed my confidence. My skills are broadened and morale towards attainment of my goals boosted. Although the activities have been time consuming and sometimes frustrating, the ULP survey and
The purpose of this assignment is to enable the student, myself, to rediscover his or her personal philosophy of nursing as it exists upon the completion of the baccalaureate nursing program. Throughout the semesters, the view I had on what nursing meant to me has grown deeper, but one thing has stayed the same; my philosophy. In my philosophy project from the very first semester, I stated that nursing involves many different parts that all come together to make one great final end product, just like cookies. I compared nursing parts and all the different items nurses bring into the field, to being similar to the ingredients used to make cookies. I still believe that nursing is comprised of many different parts that all come together in order to give the best patient care possible. The personal philosophy paper now is an extension on that first semester’s assignment, to show the growth and development I have had while in this nursing program. It will explore what my personal definition of nursing is, the purpose of nursing, what assumptions in nursing there are, and will conclude with the principles of nursing.
Competence will be discussed as it is, a lifelong skill and beneficial to students and registered nurses to be competent
Education has a strong outcome on everyone, and nursing is a profession that makes sure that everyone that is being called a nurse goes through the best kind of education that is available. Nursing helps to nurture human by providing humane services for all. There are different levels of education in nursing; an associate’s degree, a baccalaureate degree, master’s degree and so on. So it is very important to understand the differences between all these degrees since each certified nursing program carries educational and professional requirements that are expected to be carried out. The following paragraphs are going to explain the differences in competencies between nurses that are
I learned the importance of education for developing nursing practice and respect to nursing job, which originate from and was a women’s important social role.
The expectations for any nursing student, dedicated and compassionate, is not easily found. A hard worker is made through the experience of rigorous academic courses, balanced with character building
Nursing is one of the most popular professions in healthcare. To become a professional nurse, one must acquire certain level of education, whether it is at associate or baccalaureate degree level. Once becoming a nurse a number of professional standards must be maintained to stay abreast with the profession. In that respect, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in its 2010 report had suggested many recommendations focusing on the future of nursing. The aim of the report is to put forth recommendations that allow nurses to “(1) ensure that nurses can practice to the full extent of their education and training (2) improve nursing education, (3) provide opportunities for nurses to assume leadership positions and to serve as full
In this module’s Assignment, you will draft a formal paper expressing your personal philosophy of nursing paper. In this paper, you will provide a framework for your personal practice of nursing and reflect on why you chose nursing as a profession. Your paper will define how you interact with patients, family members, other nurses, and other health care professionals.
As people’s life expectancy increases, the nursing field needs to keep pace with the rapid changes. There’s increased needs for nurses in many different field as well such as nursing home, hospitals, ambulatory cares, palliative care, and hospices. Therefore, an expectation of a role as a nurse has been rise. Nursing skills and knowledge cannot remain limited, but need to utilize in more various setting. In order to provide better care in various nursing field, continuing education is essential. For example, as population and their lifespan increases there’s also new diseases and new treatment has been developed. A competence nurse must embrace old and new skills and thorough knowledge to achieve best quality of care and optimum patient’s overall outcome. The quality of patient care heavily depends on nurses’ level of education. One research proves that nurses who received higher level of education showed lower mortality rate, less medical errors, and higher patient satisfaction. This outcome is related to higher education which prepared nurses to handle various circumstances with appropriate answers. Nurses are people who spend most of time with ill individuals at the bed side. Nursing education will provide new demanding roles of nurses’ requirement such as seeing the patient as a whole, providing appropriate response to patient’s condition, and integrating knowledge and skills accordingly.
This self-reflective paper focuses on what I’ve learned about myself this semester regarding my strengths, and weaknesses. Concentrating on areas of my professional practice that need improvement and discussing two goals I have created for myself, and how I plan on achieving them. This semester I have discovered I have two key strengths those being a dedication to the Practical Nursing Program, and seeking help in the program when I need it. Both being potential strengths in my nursing career. I have some weaknesses to work on as a student and a future nurse.
This course has affected my development as a student in many ways. It has taught me the importance of being stress free. I have learned that using the time and stress management tools and strategies has helped me get closer to my goals. Achieving my goals depends mainly on me and being less stressful. Time and stress management go hand to hand and one doesn’t work without the other. I learned to become better at time management. This has allowed me to get more important task done and put off the not so important ones. This course has prepared me very well for my academic success. It has taught me about my learning styles and what works best for me. Although I’m a visual/ auditory learner, I sometimes find myself wanting to take things hands on. These are some of the things that has affected me in my development as a student.
Any nurse would admit that preparation to becoming a nurse is a difficult task. Mostly because the practice of nursing consists of many things to follow in order be a great nurse for the patient. To make the preparation less difficult for nurses or nurse to be, Ida Jean Orlando contributed to the Discipline of the Nursing Process to further prepare those in nursing. The Discipline of Nursing Process is a theoretical approach to nursing that follows a nurse-to-patient relationship that would improve the patient’s behavior to seek beneficence and autonomy of the patient (Orlando, 1972). This provides nurses or upcoming nurse the strategies to deal with real life circumstances in nursing and improves the skills of the nurse to improve a patient care. This piece will focus on the theorist, Ida Jean Orlando, the meaning of the nursing process and the reason for the nursing process, any discrepancies that may be associated with nursing such as medical procedures and professional nurses, studies associated with the use of the nursing process and how the nursing process influence personally.
In order to critically examine the concepts central to the discipline of nursing it is important to clarify my understanding of what constitutes a discipline. Nursing literature has led me to understand that a discipline can be, in simple terms, thought of as a field of study with a unique perspective which gives rise to the nature and scope of inquiry of that field and therefore leads to a specialized body of knowledge (Parker, M & Smith, M, 2010). In attempt to cement nursing’s place in the professional world and in an effort to distinguish it from other disciplines it seems imperative that nursing itself agree on the discipline’s most significant concepts. Through early course readings it
In this paper, I will be discussing my learning experiences during term three. In order to classify and expand on what I have learned, I will be writing about two roles I have assumed as a student nurse, how I have developed those roles through theory and practice, how my thinking has changed, and what I would like to change in the future.
This course really developed my self as a nurse, and it will help me in giving care to actual clients in the real world as well. First of all, this course taught us all about Florence Nightingale, who is viewed as one of the first nursing theorists. Her becoming a nurse, her practices as a nurse, her theory, her tenets, and most importantly, her being one of the most influential figures, even as of this very day. In this course, through essay writing we understood more about how Florence Nightingale’s theory and practices are still relevant today. We were able to connect her tenets to the real world programs. This can really help us in giving care because we learnt about how her practices are applied and so we are also able to apply her practices while providing clients care. Not only that, but we learned about how committed Nightingale was to provide the utmost care for the client and how the client is very important, with knowing this, we can also provide the greatest care that the client deserves. She strived for professional nursing and had laid the foundation, and we need to follow in these footsteps as well. Her achievements can aid in motivating us to become better and improve ourselves as a nurse everyday, as she did emphasize the importance of restoring one’s health.
The main responsibility of a nurse is to offer a various range of health care services which includes provision of health education, prevention against disease, promotion of health condition and treatment of acute illness. (as cited in Ling, Bo, Ying, Shao & Hui, 2014) They are expected to perform a wide range of clinical skills for saving patients’ lives and this requires student nurses to have solid foundation in their learnings. The problem-based learning is defined as the learning that develops from the process of working towards the solution of a given problem (as cited in Ling, Bo, Ying, Shao & Hui, 2014) and its learning approach has been the focus in the nursing education for student nurses’ academic curriculum. This essay argues that problem-based learning and self-directed learning help student nurses to develop critical thinking skills and problem solving competency. The essay also explains that both learning approaches develop student nurses to become effective team collaborators with good communication skills, which will make them grown and achieve higher in professional nursing career. Moreover, it describes how problem-based learning aids student nurses to develop their self-directed learning skills and empowers them to adopt to changes in the workplace and health care practices.