I attended a Student Focus Team Meeting (SFT) at Conewago Elementary School. This meeting was very interesting to me because all teachers in the kindergarten grade level shared one student that is having difficulties in the classroom. The teachers and other faculty members then came together to discuss ideas on how to help the student improve. Many of the faculty had important roles in the meeting and I found this meeting to be very effective and to greatly help students struggling. Also, there were a few things that surprised me in the SFT meeting and I found it to be very relevant to teachers (Student, 2015). First, at the meeting there were five kindergarten teachers who gave data and observations about a particular student. The leader of the meeting was the principle and he set goals for each student and teacher for the next meeting. There was …show more content…
I expected it to be very serious, but it was laid back and casual; the teachers and principle even made a few jokes before the meeting started. The SFT meeting realtes to teachers because it gives ideas to teachers on how to accomodate to certain students and how they learn best, like putting number lines on the table where a student sits so they see them all the time. This meeting also helped to remind the teachers of their yearly goals set between them and the principle. One teacher mentioned that by changing lessons and trying new things to help one student learn, you are actually helping a lot of other students to learn too (Student, 2015). In conclusion, the SFT meeting was a lot more relaxed than I had expected, but it was still very interesting. Everyone at the meeting had certain roles, it was very effective to achieve the purpose (discuss a certain student’s struggles), the meeting did suprise me a little bit and it was very relevant to teachers because it helps to improve teaching skills and focus on their yearly
Sometimes these children are dealing with so much at home and in life that they cannot even focus on their school work. I would suggest a school social worker. If I was the school social worker I would first start by listening and building a trustworthy relationship with my students. I want to let them know I am here to improve their situation not hinder. I would apply the strength perspective as one of my strategies.
Over all I couldn’t think of a better way to spend a Monday night. I felt it was very informative and I found everything said to be interesting. It was very much a group discussion with members asking questions and introducing new ideas. Towards the end of the meeting, public comments were allowed giving members more of a voice. A time and talents form was given to me asking for volunteer work. Most members stayed after the meeting for additional conversations and socializing. Brandon Sinclair, a student orientation intern at GRCC, asked me about my experience afterwards and invited me back for the next
Identification: Truxton Academy Charter School acknowledges that all students have both strengths and weaknesses in their learning styles. We understand that students who begin to struggle academically need quality instruction and intervention strategies immediately. We know that early intervention at the kindergarten and 1st grade levels as well as early intervention in the academic year at all grade levels is very important for students’ long-term academic success. (Burns, M. K., Griffiths, A., Parson, L. B., Tilly, W. D., & VanDerHayden, A. (2007). Response to intervention: Research for practice.
Educators working closely together will allows students to receive the best possible instruction in the classroom. “Strong collaboration for the delivery of education services involves all the various education professionals serving a school building or district” (pg. 3). One of the major issues with the identification of poor performing students is if it has anything to do with the delivery of the instruction, or the instruction itself. Collaboration is an excellent way to make sure that the students receiving the best possible instruction to increase the academic knowledge. Teachers that are struggling have the opportunity to work with reading and special education professionals to work on implementing appropriate lessons in the classroom. “The classroom teachers, reading specialists, and special education professionals collaborate in planning and implementing the intervention” (pg. 3). This intervention and collaboration should not be seen as a negative, but as a positive because they are all working together to help the teacher use the correct instruction that is going to benefit each and every
This is a reflective essay based on my attendance at a multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting whilst on my two-week placement at a local mental health day hospital. The aim of this essay is to discuss the importance of the multidisciplinary team within the mental health environment and discuss factors that can influence the success or failure of multidisciplinary teams.
As the commentaries have said what improvements of the seminar, I think they missed a few points that I would like to add first would be multiple people started talking along with their academic transitions and were more comfortable along the way better giving their points on the topics. Also the fact that they brought hand gestures and better eye contact really help comply what they were trying to say.Surprisingly I never really saw or heard any lacking conversations between the discussants. As a coach during the seminar I would say everyone went above and beyond and everyone did a fruitful
Collaboration in a school setting refers to teachers working together to form an effective classroom and lesson for learning. “Teacher assistance teams (TAT) are school-based teams of professionals, classroom teachers, and administrators that assist classroom teachers in meeting the instructional and
The purpose of Response to Intervention is early detection and identification of learning concerns of students and the development of an individualized plan that addresses the appropriate prescription for resolving the students’ academic or behavioral issue. In our twenty-first century learning communities, students are required to participate and are engaged in educational activities that may challenge their ability to grasp the concept in manners conducive to their learning styles. Schools are challenged to examine their methods of instruction to meet the needs of all children making them successful in all areas of academic content. “A quality school is a place where students learn to think and apply knowledge to new situations, where students are involved in and excited about their learning, where students make individual gains in process and knowledge, where adults know they care about individual students,
Each child was given a variety of task to complete. The parents were sent a letter stated the specific actions they needed to take. 1.) if the student brought home a praise note that they were to inforce that praise. 2.) Praise needed to be reinforced in front of family m embers. 3.) hand the praise note for all to see. 4.) parent every morning should reinforce the prior day achievement. The parent was asked not to show any negativity.
The purpose of this research is to understand the perceptions and experiences of professionals on collaboration in the educational environment. Data collection will occur within the Virginia Beach City Public School (VBCPS) system. Specifically targeted will be three elementary schools that I work in being Ocean Lakes Elementary School, Princess Anne Elementary School and Red Mill Elementary School. The people that volunteer to take part will include VBCPS staff involved with the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for special needs students in any one of the above identified schools, and has been part of an initial eligibility, new IEP, current IEP, or consulted on as part of the IEP process.
Every school district has board meetings throughout the school year. Unfortunately, many parents, community members, & school personnel do not attend such important meetings because they don’t realize or understand the importance of such board meetings or how informative they can be. According to Kankakee School District (2017), the Kankakee School District Board of Education is composed of seven elected members, who were elected by the citizens of Kankakee to serve a four-year term that do not receive no salary for they services, are committed to ensuring a quality of educational excellence that will enhance the opportunities and challenges facing today’s student and additional responsibilities that board members include are selection of the District superintendent, developing general polices according to wishes of the community and requirements of law, hiring school personnel based upon recommendation of the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Personnel, adopts salary schedules, approves funds to finance school operations, must adopt and review the annual operating budget for the District, and setting the property tax levy to produce adequate funds to meet the District’s financial needs ranks among the responsibilities of the Board of Education (Retrieved from https://www.ksd111.org/domain/68). For this paper, the Kankakee School District board meeting will be used, information learned from board meeting, use of
What were the objectives of this lesson? How well do you think your students understood the overall purpose and relevance of the lesson? (APS 4.A–C)
Parents and Staff: Everyday written report was given to the parents for mealtime and diapering log, there was Family Board Bulletin where milestone moments of each child were posted. Both teachers in the class communicated well with each other. The director(Kelly) was very helpful and supportive to all her staff members. At this time, they are short of staffs but Kelly is accepting new applicants. When new teacher is accepted she/he will undergo orientation first before working with
In looking at the needs of an entire school, it is important to examine the needs of each individual student. It is known that not every student learns the same and achieves the same; therefore, each intervention should be personalized for the individual students. For the past two years, Whitley County High School has developed an intervention model that focuses on the middle tier of students. It is thought that these students can be instructed at a level that brings them out of the middle
“Through collaboration, ideas can be shared, new and better strategies can be developed, problems can be solved, students’ progresses can be better monitored, and their outcomes are evaluated effectively.”¬ (Lee, 1996).