
Reflection On The Count Of Monte Cristo

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There is no use denying the fact that literature helps to reflect the main peculiarities of society peculiar to a certain epoch for people to be able to look at them and analyze. Dumas' novel The Count of Monte Cristo could also be taken as the reflection of the peoples` characters, beliefs and feelings. In the given artwork the author tries to embody all diseases and peculiarities of society and people who llived at that period of time. Being a common person, Dantes passes through a great number of unusual hardships that helps a reader to understand the atmosphere of the epoch. The main characters of the novel The Count of Monte Cristo help to portray the wile, greediness and hypocrisy peculiar to the epoch and underline the devastative …show more content…

The beginning of the story presents a reader Dantes as "a fine, tall, slim young fellow of eighteen or twenty, with black eyes, and hair as dark as a raven's wing" (Dumas 1). He has a good perspectives because of his skills and experience. Dantes has a fiance and the possibility to become the captain of the Pharaon, which could guarantee him the happy life. However, the sings of threat could be seen even at the beginning of the story as Dantes is asked to visit the Island of Elba and take a message. In terms of the given epoch, this visit could be appreciated as very dangerous trip that could have a great impact on the whole life of a …show more content…

The fact in France of that period of time a prison was a point of no return which had the great impact on the life of a person. An imprisoned person became dead for society. There were several reasons for it. First of all, punishments were sever and the terms and conditions of the restraint was so horrible that a person had no chances to return to daily toil and became the part of society again (Margaw 258). Additionally, the representatives of the highlife did not allow people of this sort communicate with

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