
Reflection On The English Class

Decent Essays

Over the course of this semester, I have found myself becoming more and more appreciative of the English language. I admit that English class is neither my strongest nor my favorite subject, so when presented with the option of earning honors credit within my class, I took it on as a challenge and, halfway into the year, am very glad I did. Each assignment has forced me to evaluate the purpose of literature on a much higher level, a level which I likely would not have attained absent of the assignments. As we approach the end of the first semester, I continue to maintain an average of an A+ (99.95%) for the semester excluding the midterm exam; this grade is well above the B (82.50%) average required in order to earn the English 10 Honors distinction. Both throughout my work towards the honors credit as well as within the course itself, I have not yet failed to complete and subsequently turn in an assignment within the given time frame; no paper has been drafted under the influence of procrastination, for I always set aside sufficient time dedicated to working on said paper. In addition to academic punctuality, I have maintained an A (93.50%) average regarding the three (two graded) essays I have written for my English class, evidence of my demonstration of the “insightful literature analysis and connections” criterion of the honors distinction. Quizlet has proved to be immensely useful in my study of the assigned SAT vocabulary, which I have reviewed several times

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