
Reflection On The First Texans Lesson Plan

Decent Essays

I am going to use The First Texans lesson plan. I will ask the students to use some of the questions from The First Texans. Some questions will be taken out, so it pertains more to the culture. Once the students finish the activity I will then tell them to go home find out what their culture is. Then the next week dress up in what the people in their culture would wear. The students will then figure out what their relatives lives where like and they learn where they came from. I would call up the dad of the Native American parents, and see if they would come to the school. When the Native Americans come, they will tell the class what their ancestors did, and how they celebrate certain holidays. I would ask the Kenyan student to find vocab word from The First Texan and have him translate from Swahili to English. That …show more content…

It gives them away to teach the other students about different cultures and traditions. Doing projects like having students rap, find vocabulary, and bring in a guess speaker, can show them different learning styles. It is important for a student to be subjected to different learning styles because we all learn differently. The strategies I used in the lesson plan to make it culturally diverse is making it fun for the students. I chose different students to do a different task and then the students will learn from the task. The students will learn from the task, for the students or their parents will share what they have learned. The strategy was also to get the students to learn more about each other and what they do in different cultures. The impact that the lesson has is that it is fun and the students can see how different cultures work. It impacts the students and makes them feel important or needed. The lessons will impact each student differently, for example a student might find the vocab in a different language interesting or the guest

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