Hey all, I just wanted to let you all know that Wheatley Intellectual Prep is cancelled tomorrow. My plan for that time was to go over Module 2 assessments (end of Module & CP1 & 2) in Module 2. However, I believe that it can wait until after Fall Break. I'm giving you your time back to accomplish tasks such as: - Printing End of Module Assessment(s) (Open-ended [see OER in the folder] and Selected Response [see SR in the folder]) - Grading End of Module 1 Open-ended Responses - Scanning End of Module Open-ended Responses grades - Completing your IP Also, I have some good news for you! By the end of the week, I will be revealing a new Intellectual Prep template. I can tell you now that it will be much shorter! We will be using the new
Case Manager Comments: Allyson, the end of this term is approaching. During the coming weeks, it would be good for you to prepare your material for your final examinations. You have some final papers, and presentations to work on, please contact your tutors to work on them.
Each week you are provided with two appendix documents to complete the lab. One appendix contains all assignment instructions. The other appendix is a lab report in which you
GEN 499 General Education Capstone Entire Course Follow Link Below To Get Tutorial https://homeworklance.com/downloads/gen-499-general-education-capstone-entire-course/ Description: GEN 499 Week 1 DQ 1 Final Research Paper Topic and Plan GEN 499 Week 1 DQ 2 Social Media GEN 499 Week 2 DQ 1 Professional Resume and Cover Letter GEN 499 Week 2 Assignment Critiquing Internet Sources GEN 499 Week 3 DQ 1 Social Capital GEN 499 Week 3 DQ 2 Federal Policy GEN 499 Week 3 Assignment Annotated Bibliography GEN 499 Week 4 DQ 1 Call to Action GEN 499 Week 4 DQ 2 Final Research Paper Progress GEN 499 Week 4 Critical Thinking Quiz GEN 499 Week 5 DQ 1 Technology and Globalization GEN 499 Week 5 DQ 2 Reflecting on General Education
In sports, investigators utilize individual records or diversion measurements to analyze competitors. In this manner, groups utilize those estimations make discovering players a great deal less demanding. In like manner, grades measure an understudy's capacities, qualities, and shortcomings in the classroom. In Paul Goodman's passage entitled "A Proposal to Abolish Grading," he contends that Ivy alliance Universities ought to annul grades. His reasons are that understudies organize tests instead of discover significance to new learning. In the event that evaluations are canceled understudies will have the capacity to take in the material without the anxiety. Despite the fact that Goodman unequivocally concentrates on renowned schools, is an issue that worries each school. For it makes one wonder if grades are truly essential to quantify an understudy's capacity to learn. Goodman trusts that the present understudies will just do what is insignificantly required for them to pass their class. From my own understanding, understudies that are staggeringly decided and discover reason in acquiring new information are the ones with the most noteworthy imprints. I trust that understudies that apparent in classes they don't discover agreeable have a superior possibility of getting acknowledged into great schools and employments. It is as though the individual is stating " I will pick up anything and exceed expectations at it." what's more, educators can utilize evaluations to select
[ For Ish-el, I will support him by praising him on his hard work that he has put forth daily. He never gives up in trying to learn a new task. I want Ish-el to understand that although he may be doing a good job in many areas of this subject that there is still room for improvement. I would like to work with him to make his notebook a much neater and more efficient place of storage for his information. I would like to see him perfect not only his box and bullet strategy but all of the note taking strategies’ that we have talked about. By doing this he will have a bag full of strategies to pick and choose from when recognizing the different text structures that he is in or artifacts that he has in front of him, We will be using these same strategies throughout the semester, I would
The assessments have been done during and after the lesson in a variety of ways; verbal response, written response, pair and group work, and making posters as a visual outcome.
I will use a variety of Formative Assessments before, during, and at the end of the class to check for understanding and I will use the Exit Ticket as a final assessment.
It represent Article III because the guys rap about the power of the judicial branch and the power of the Supreme
My immediate goal after graduation is to prepare myself in the strongest way possible for successful entry and progression in a MD/PhD program. After exploring the Case Western Reserve University website, I firmly believe that the PREP program will equip me with all the tools I need to flourish in the field of medical science. The mentors in the PREP program are all amazing scientists and after reading a few of the goals of their labs, I aspire to develop the same dedication, knowledge, and achievement. I currently want to know more about how genetics is being applied to medical research, and I was especially elated to read of the work taking place in Dr. Mark Jackson’s lab. The creation of a genetically engineered breast cancer model being used to learn more about tumor suppressor genes and their interaction with oncogenes is amazing to me. I want to learn more about the process of creating similar models and using it to answer highly relevant questions. I’m also very curious about the VBIM strategy that is being used and developed to identify new genetic elements important to cancer formation. It is a technique that I would love the opportunity to better understand and utilize through the PREP program.
Athens was one of the greatest cities that existed in ancient Greece. Ranging from a superb navy, to an outstanding belief in knowledge, they were set to succeed from the beginning. Athens was a land of great wealth and prosperity. This led to some of the world’s greatest pieces of art including the Parthenon and the Temple of Zeus. There may have been other cities with good militaries or strong trading partners, but there was never a city that could compete with the great city of Athens. Athens dominated the Ancient world due to their navy, intelligence, democracy, and trade.
Describe how you will continue to develop this learning after this module ………….………… Page 7
“In 2015, more than 6.5 million Americans ages 12 and over used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes in a single month.” (National Survey on Drug Use and Health)
Write a response for each of these activities. At the end of the lesson, click the link on the final screen to open the Student Answer Sheet. Use the sample answers to evaluate your own work.
My personal philosophy of assessment consists of several components. The first component is that both formative and summative assessment belong in the classroom. The second component is that, although teachers should teach what is on the STAAR tests, they should try to avoid just “teaching to the test” the entire year. I also believe that different forms of assessments should be used throughout the year. Finally, I believe that assessments should always be structured in a way that is fair to the students, and addresses all learning styles. Overall, tests belong in the classroom, but should not be the focus of instruction and should be fair for all students.
The Buick Encore combines exceptional handling, a stylish interior, and a comfortable ride, making it the preferred ride among subcompact SUVs. Despite its compact dimensions, it comes with plenty of passenger and cargo space, making it a nice vehicle for a family of four. It is designed for shoppers who want to combine exceptional gas mileage and premium appointments, with an SUV driving position. Apart from its luxury appointments, it also delivers impressive performance, thanks to its powerful engines. If you are looking for a cool luxury car that can shuttle plenty of people and cargo, then the Buick Encore deserves serious consideration.